Ooops! City of Elk Grove Posts, Removes Lawsuit Settlement Information on Chat Room Site

May 19, 2015 | According to information accidentally posted by The City of Elk Grove on the Elk Grove-Laguna Forum chat room site, it...

May 19, 2015 |

According to information accidentally posted by The City of Elk Grove on the Elk Grove-Laguna Forum chat room site, it was revealed earlier today that the City has reached a settlement agreement on the Outlet Collection at Elk Grove lawsuit.

The City reportedly erroneously posted the settlement information on the chat site because of glitch in its RSS feed. As of this posting, the City's posting has been removed. 

The lawsuit was filed by M&H Realty, (now known and Merlone Geier Partners) against the City and Howard Hughes Company (HHC) after the City allowed HHC out of the development agreement for the special planning area that includes the Outlet Collection. 

The lawsuit has effectively froze any potential activity at the beleaguered site that saw construction of the shopping center formerly known as the Elk Grove Promenade come to an abrupt halt in July, 2008 in the weeks leading up the credit collapse and the Great Recession. The shopping center's original developer, subsequently filed what became the largest developer Chapter 11 bankruptcy in American business history.

Details of the settlement reportedly will be available to the public tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. through a press release.      

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Anonymous said...

LMBO....yea, I read it. M & H Realty, HHC & the city have reached a settlement. No big news there....that was obvious! Too bad it took a lawsuit by M & H Realty to see they were treated fairly by the City. Just more of EG's back-door deals that we continue to pay for daily.

Anonymous said...

Yea, I read it too. Elk Grove has their own web site so why are they posting Breaking News items on other boards in Elk Grove?

Lynn said...

It is unfortunate that it takes lawsuits for businesses and residents to be treated fairly in the city....It would be interesting to know the total number of lawsuits filed against the city. Corrupt as Bell, Bankrupt as Vallejo....

Connie said...

The press release was very vague. Whom at the city is going to release the terms of the settlement?

Did M&H get the big box stores that were in the original agreement?

I thought it was a big odd that only media outlet posted the press release. One inquiry to the city answered that question.

Anonymous said...

Our city leaders are selves serving and spiteful, they treated everyone like opponents and that include the citizens they are suppose to serve. Haven't we noticed that they have repeatedly doing every thing that their citizens have publicly opposed? It should not have to result in lawsuits to be treated fairly. Our Mayor Davis and Councilmen have been going through great lengths, including sleeping with our enemies (criminals) to outwitted their citizens and everyone else. Lawless and reckless leaderships and we, the tax payers, are paying for those legal fees and damages. Moreover, this City is paying a steep price for their lack of integrity. Their actions go against basic principles of governing and Americans' values!

Anonymous said...

Just reading the lawsuit against Ethan Conrad and see mention of our "Destination" Mayor Davis. His actions are not going unnoticed here in the city, our underground is hard at work...

Anonymous said...

Connie "One inquiry to the city answered that question."

What exactly was that answer?

Would this not have to come before Planning again since obviously changes have been made to the origional agreement.

Anonymous said...


This place is becoming a big joke.

Why don't they pitch this to the producers of a reality TV show?

You could call the show "Low Times in the High Times".

"It's High Time to visit Elk Grove.

Our city's motto is "It's Grow Time".

How about bringing light industrial and office jobs to Elk Grove instead of more houses, low income housing projects and strip centers?

Miles and miles of houses thrown up during the start of a historically severe drought.

Thousands of low income housing projects to serve residents who have low pay retail and food service jobs.

Garish billboard signs to further glamorize this steaming dumpster fire of a city.


Doc Souza said...

The press release was published on Elk Grove Laguna Forums because we subscribe to the RSS feeds of local government agencies such as the City of Elk Grove, CSD and the EGUSD. The press release was was supposed to go out the following day, but for some reason the RSS feed picked it up and posted it. We were asked if we could temporarily remove the post until the following morning and we did. No conspiracy.

Why are so many people on here anonymous and afraid to stand behind their comments?

Doc Souza said...

The press release was published on Elk Grove Laguna Forums because we subscribe to the RSS feeds of local government agencies such as the City of Elk Grove, CSD and the EGUSD. The press release was was supposed to go out the following day, but for some reason the RSS feed picked it up and posted it. We were asked if we could temporarily remove the post until the following morning and we did. No conspiracy.

Why are so many people on here anonymous and afraid to stand behind their comments?

Anonymous said...

I would like to address Doc Souza' s comment above:

If our city leaders have good conscience and would not use EG police forces against us, their citizens, then we would use our real names when we post comments.

Doc Souza said...

Can you provide examples of the police force being used in that manner? I think it's because people don't want to be held accountable and want to take potshots. Seems hypocritical to demand transparency and hide behind "anonymous". Be accountable for your comments and use your name. Otherwise no one will take it seriously.

Anonymous said...

Do you mean something like gearshark23, wildoates,debbied41, NoRules, CSK03 & Curlzz01 to name a few? That would be more transparent...right?

I do however, wonder why you are so concerned over what name anyone posts under on a blog. Just more slamming of the Messenger....why don't you try to be nice for a change Doc?

Anonymous said...

Doc...ever wonder why your site sucks and there is no traffic on it except for the five of you who take pot shots at anyone who doesn't agree with you. Left your site a year or more ago...tired of getting beat up because you and LC and your minions seem to think you know it all. Go back to your site and I promise I'll never visit it again. The way you treat people, it's a wonder you are still in business.

Doc Souza said...

Not sure if both of the previous "anonymous" posters are the same or not. So I'll respond separately.

Anonymous #1, mentioned the screen names of various posters on Elk Grove Laguna Forums. At least they are unique posters and not all are anonymous. Many of us have met privately or conversed offline so we they aren't all entirely anonymous. Also they aren't bashing public officials and making accusations as some of the commenters on here do. Some of you do use your real names. Secondly, anonymous #1 said, "why don't you try to be nice for a change Doc?" What did I say in my comments that was not nice and do you read the other comments on here from people that say a lot of not very nice things about public officials? Or does them being public officials make it okay to say whatever you want about them? Someone made an accusation that the city officials use the EGPD to harass them. That's a very serious accusation to make. I asked for some examples of that. It's easy to do a hit and run comment and not be accountable for it. My name is on my comments here and there and I am accountable for my words. The people who comment the most on issues on our site are not "anonymous" by any means.

Anonymous #2. Thank for continuing to read our forum. Even if you do so as a guest and not logged in, it's still another view. Sounds like a few of you must be reading it, so we appreciate that. Your comment about the "same 5 people" is eerily similar to an email from someone I received earlier this year that said the same exact thing. So that gives me an good idea of who anonymous #2 probably is. Which is ironic that person would use "anonymous" at this point to reply.

Connie said...

Sorry Doc, but I am not anonymous #2, or anonymous #1 for that matter.

I did sent Doc a private email after I posted on his website, and like the days of old on EGO, he came after me. In my email, I also made the reference about the five people. So it appears that I am not the only one who thinks that.

So sorry Doc, it was not me! But it appears that you still hold onto old grudges. How long have you been off Elk Grove Online?

Do you even read the comments? I put my name to mine.

Anonymous said...

Your reply is exactly why so many people I know no longer actively participate in your site..You always have to be right. Let's start with "unique posters" vs. anonymous. Your statement that some meet privately provides no support for your argument. Yes, I am sure you and LC lift a few beers from time to time. Next.."Aren’t bashing public officials and making accusations"’re KIDDING, right. That is what you guys do most of the time. Next...both sites have their crazies...we live with them as you do with yours until you banish them (that's the American way, right...stifle public speech cause you don’t agree with the owner of the site). Next...I do not visit your site; decided long ago the frustration of trying to make a point different than others is useless. On your site, opinions, unless along party lines, are routinely berated. Opinions are just that, an opinion. I shouldn't have to please you or anyone else; and I shouldn't feel as though a thorough defense team is needed to justify it. And, no, I am not Connie and I appreciate that she seems to see what I see...about 5-6 people who continuously visit that site that take control. And of course your "guess" as to who said that statement goes to the heart of what I am saying Doc...YOU SEEM TO THINK YOU ARE ALWAYS RIGHT...and thankfully, I can chose not to visit your site. I see your site and this site as apples to oranges...choices to be made and I chose a site that appreciates all opinions, crazy or not. I do not have to please the owner of this site. My opinion matters to me; and it doesn’t have to matter to him. Unlike your site, as a hands-on blogger who provides opinions to others thoughts/words and usually criticizes all non conforming statements, I'd rather read a news story and comment. I don’t need you to agree/disagree with me.

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