With No Deliberation, Elk Grove City Council Approves $279 Million Budget

June 11, 2015 | With no deliberation, the Elk Grove City Council approved a $279 million annual budget at their regular meeting las...

June 11, 2015 |

With no deliberation, the Elk Grove City Council approved a $279 million annual budget at their regular meeting last night.

The budget for fiscal year 2016, which starts on July 1, includes $62.8 million for general fund expenditures. General fund expenditures cover day-to-day operating cost such as payroll with the balance of the $279 million earmarked for capital improvement projects.

During his presentation to the council, budget manager Andrew Keys said this year's budget reflects the addition of five employees for the police department, the city manager's office and an executive assistant for Mayor Gary Davis. During the May 13, the city council approved an administrative assistant for Davis and increased hours for council members aides. 

The only question for Keys during his presentation came from Council Member Steve Detrick who sought clarification on the Mayor's new assistant position. The budget document and Keys slide presentation described the new position as an executive assistant, which has a higher pay grade, than the council's approval of an administrative assistant. 

"It  [budget document] says executive assistant, we didn't agree to an executive assistant," Detrick said. "

Keys respond by saying that the slide used in his presentation was incorrect and that position was designated as an administrative assistant in the budget.

"So this is a typo," Detrick asked.

"That is one that didn't get corrected on the slide," Keys responded.

The city will also pre-fund the Southeast Policy Area (SEPA) sewer lift station with $5.54 million from the city's reserves. As part of the city's desire to attract non-retail employers and become a major tourist destination, the budget document notes that without pre-funding the station the normal path of development would call for residential construction first to fund the sewer lift station. 

One highlight of the 2016 capital improvement project is the city's $17 million expenditure on its long-sought aquatic center that will feature an Olympic-sized competitive pool, an only-one-in-the-region 10 meter diving platform and viewing stands. Construction and bids are going out in the coming weeks, and according to the budget plan, construction starting this fall with completion by next summer. 

During public comment only one person spoke. Elk Grove High School Principal Cathy Guy thanked the city for committing police assistance during the school's annual homecoming parade.

After hearing public comment, without comment or deliberation the council voted 4-0 (Council Member Darren Suen was absent] to approve the budget as presented. The budget is effective on July 1.  


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Not a "stakeholder" said...

Sewage always runs downhill. Taxpayers are paying to reverse the laws of physics! :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe next year they can put the budget on consent so they can avoid those hard hitting questions and deliberations.

Anonymous said...

Or better yet just a "ELK GROVE CITY COUNCIL CONSENT AGENDA meeting." Really doesn't matter, it's just about them anyway.

Anonymous said...

I thought the city needed money to fix the roads.

$17 million expenditure on its long-sought aquatic center that will feature an Olympic-sized competitive pool. an only-one-in-the-region 10 meter diving platform and viewing stands. Construction and bids are going out in the coming weeks, and according to the budget plan, construction starting this fall with completion by next summer.

Elk Grove an Olympic destination? Are you kidding me?

Anonymous said...


The following quote was taken from Elk Grove Online:

"It's normally called progress when a town grows, but in the case of Elk Grove it's called an out-of-control City Council that ignores its constituents and pursues its hidden agenda to the detriment of majority. It is essentially a cabal."


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