Video - Does Mayor Gary Davis Have Buyers Remorse on Gil Moore's Monstrosity of a Billboard?

September 12, 2015 | Watch and listen to these comments made at the Wednesday night meeting of the Elk Grove City Council. Mayor ...

September 12, 2015 |

Watch and listen to these comments made at the Wednesday night meeting of the Elk Grove City Council.

Mayor Gary Davis said "What were they thinking" regarding Gil Moore's billboard that was recently erected on Highway 99 near Sheldon Road. The billboard has a "Welcome to Elk Grove" placard for motorist as they leave the city.

The more appropriate question is "what were you and your fellow council members thinking" when you opened up the gates for still more of these gaudy signs? We suppose the tens-of-thousands of dollars that you took from Moore had nothing to do with this!

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Anonymous said...

Yea, I heard that comment and had a good little chuckle. Gil Moore's just welcoming people to Elk Grove, entering or leaving you're still in Elk Grove. The city made their bed when they ok'd those hugh billboards..what you see is what you get, maybe even some blank ones in the process. Slow learners will soon see that Developer money is not always in our best interests.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, the Gil Moore project, from start to finish, is a prime example of local government at its worse and was a study in how easily politicians can be bought off. From those first $10K contributions given to both a councilman and his son before Moore's first appearance at a council meeting during public comment, it appears Moore must have known whom to target first as an easy mark.

But you have to admire the integrity of the Elk Grove Planning Commission who couldn’t be bought off by another of Moore’s tactics of “giving to their favorite charities.” Not so with other members of council and those well-timed photo ops!

However, as with everything associated with this project, every planning commission decision against this project was overturned by the city council. The money talked!

Yes, IMO, Moore’s sign is as ugly as it gets. But you should have seen what Mr. “Best Thing Since Sliced Bread” put forth before the planning commission made changes to it.

And now we have what many of us prophesied: How ugly these monstrosities can be! And this is the impression we want to give travelers entering or leaving Elk Grove? Not to mention we residents who have to live with it on a daily basis.

Maybe Moore can set up a photo stand and travelers can pull off and have their picture taken in front of what he said would be art! Nice job Elk Grove City Council! You should be very proud of yourselves!

Connie said...

To Anon at 10:04 I am a huge Stephen Colbert fan. Last night he said something that speaks to what appears to be omnipresent in our city’s government. Stephen was talking about his integrity when asked to endorse products, what to wear, what to drive, what to put in his mouth, saying, “As a man of integrity, folks, I have standards. . .standards that I will not set aside for anything less than money.”

Sadly, what was Stephen’s satire is our reality!

Proud to be led said...

I trust the developer money because without them, Elk Grove would be nothing but weeds and pastures. Our city leaders are serving in a noble profession, bringing growth and prosperity for all to enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Is he referring to the sign with the cheap looking plastic animal on the top?

Where did they get it? At a party supply store?

Anonymous said...

Business as usual will mean thousands more bland tract homes in bland subdivisions all built during the worst drought in recent history.

The upcoming El Nino will only be an aberration and not the norm.

NO MORE NEW HOMES! Why should I have to kill off my lawn so the greedy developers can throw up more tacky characterless homes?


Anonymous said...

Now that Moore's project is under construction have you seen how close the gas station/McDonald's is to those homes? I feel sorry for those home owners. Probably lost $50k in value when this project was approved.

Proud to be led said...

To anonymous @ 10:13: Maybe they did lose property values, but the greater gain of all residents who will benefit from the increased sales tax and investing in making Elk Grove as great city will outweigh the neighbors loss! I trust our City Council has our best interests in mind when they make these kind of decisions.

Anonymous said...

I would have rather seen the multi-story apartment complex with 300 units there with many of them looking right into the backyards of the existing homes instead of the commercial development. I am sure the existing homeowners would have preferred the apartments over the commercial development.

Anonymous said...

I would have rather seen the multi-story apartment complex with 300 units there with many of them looking right into the backyards of the existing homes instead of the commercial development. I am sure the existing homeowners would have preferred the apartments.

Anonymous said...

Proud to be led said... Would that process also be your thinking regardng the hundreds of homes to be built in SEPA? Our Mayor says SEPA will bring in 25,000 high-paying jobs which would, as you state..."increase sales taxes & invest in making Elk Grove a great city". So I'm assuming should those new homeowners lose property values due to whatever commercial the city locates there be alright with you? Why do you think that would be a "greater gain of all residents who will benefit"? I've just never thought that a city who has many homeowners underwater would make a great city or would get any commercial entity to invest there.

Your response is welcome...perhaps it's my thinking that is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Based on prior comments made by "Proud to be led" I think you're missing his/her satire on Mr. Davis and the city council.

Anonymous said...

I love the satire in Proud to be Led's post.

This city is such a joke!

Ronald McDonald said...

Here is my Karma wish: That people traveling North on 99 miss the turn off for Moore’s McDonald’s after they see that ugly sign. So they get off at the next exit at Calvine thinking they can turn around. No never mind! There is another McDonald’s along with three gas stations and a Starbucks right off Calvine and Hwy 99.

Same with traveling South on 99, there is a McDonald's at Laguna/Bond exit as well. I am everywhere in Elk Grove!

So here’s a question for you. Can you list all the McDonald’s locations in Elk Grove? How many do I have?

And PS to Proud to be Led: Your tongue and cheek posts are very much appreciated!

Anonymous said...

@Ronald ~ I count at least 8 once Moore's is added. He's filling fast food void in EG and helping to reduce our jobs/housing imbalance in the process. It's a win/win. Well except for those pesky homeowners on Koto Drive. Perhaps they can order from the drive thru from their 2nd story windows.

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