Elk Grove Development Director to Make Appearance at City Council Meeting

March 18, 2016 |

After providing no public accounting of the department's activities to bring jobs to the city since last year, Elk Grove's Economic Development Director will appear at next week's City Council meeting.
Elk Grove Economic Development Director
will present a report title Elk Grove 
Employment Dynamics next Wednesday to
The Elk Grove City Council.  

Darrell Doan, the city's Economic Development Director, will be presenting a report title Elk Grove Employment Dynamics. This report was not generated by Doan or his staff, rather it was performed by the outside consultancy firm Economic & Planning Systems (EPS).

According to the staff report, "In order to better understand employment trends in Elk Grove, staff commissioned consultant firm Economic & Planning Systems, Incorporated (EPS) to perform a comprehensive analysis of employment dynamics in Elk Grove between the years 2000 and 2013."

The report generated by EPS compiled information by National Establishment Time-Series (NETS) Database to establish a baseline. With that baseline, EPS said their report triangulated estimates from city staff to complete data on current employment.

Among the significant finding were that the city not surprisingly continues to struggle with its jobs-to-housing imbalance and that the Elk Grove Unified School District continues to be the largest local employer. Although EPS' study is data heavy, neither that report or Doan staff report to the city council offers any recommendations how to translate that information into fulfilling the city council's goal of bringing high-paying jobs to the city.

Wednesday night's meeting starts at 6 p.m.      

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Ice Rink said...

Chasing more good money after bad. Add this report to the bookshelf along with all of the feasibility studies. Elk Grove is an easy mark!

Anonymous said...

From the study...
"Between 2000 and 2013, 29,601 jobs were added in the City (net of losses); 8.7% average annual growth per year."

I'm sure Davis will trumpet that statistic. However, if true, it is vindication for Randy Starbuck and evidence that the wrong guy was sacrificed.

If you're watching Randy, you should be smiling!

Anonymous said...

Well jump for joy.....a report that is 2+ years old and can't even be verified. You're right, Elk Grove is an easy mark for getting some easy money. Now if I can just come up with some get rich scheme to sell our city that always has an open taxpayers wallet. Gotta be good for at least one of those Australian drought lessons I'm so in need of. Our city fathers never seem to learn do they? Bookshelf has got to be straining at the seams by now.

Come November and a little house cleaning may be done....sweep out the old and get this city back on track.

Sorry Doan...looks like they laid the crap in your lap.

Connie said...

Good Lord, all this data gave me a headache. But then again, citizens were admonished at the last council meeting that “we” don’t understand how government works, certainly not like the Council does.

However, isn’t it nice to know we have a Rhodes Scholar on the Elk Grove City Council who can explain everything to us mere mortals? Since this is the case, we can look forward to the Council’s “dumb-downed” interpretation and final and quantitative analysis of all this data and what it precisely means for Elk Grove and its future.

I can hardly wait!

Warren Buffett said...

This is why Davis seems to be walking back the jobs promises and his new campaign theme will be "Stronger Neighborhoods" now.

June LaVine said...

Why do we employ staff if all they do is pay someone else to do their job?

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