Heather Davis to Seek Seat on Sacramento County Board of Education

March 23, 2016 |

In a email sent out this morning, Elk Grove Mayor Gary Davis announced his wife Heather Davis is seeking a seat on the Sacramento County Board of Education. 

Although the mayor's email  nor Heather Davis' website specifically says it, as a resident of Elk Grove, she will be running for the area six seat currently occupied by Jon Scribner. That seat will be on the June primary election.

According to her website, Davis lists several generic goals including engagement of parents and assurances that money will be used in the classroom, but no specific mention of what role she believes charter schools should have is made. Mayor Gary Davis is employed as a Director with the California Charter School Association (CCSA) and prior to that with another charter school advocacy group, EdVoice

In his roles with EdVoice and CCSA, Davis has twice been involved in efforts to launch charter schools in the Elk Grove Unified School District. Most recently, Davis spoke on behalf of Tri-Valley Charter School who postponed consideration of their application after the school district's staff recommended their application be rejected. 

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I just came in on a turnip truck said...

There's always an angle. It is somewhat ironic that the dynamic duo have been trying their darnedest without success to get their kids into a quasi-private, elite taxpayer-supported charter school from Day One. Now to bid for a school board seat of a public school district is almost laughable if one didn't realize that these Boards have to ultimately vote on approving a new charter school. Guess a sign at Cosumnes Oaks High School is not enough, plus she would be enrolled in the County Retirement plan if elected.

The Conscious Majority said...

Another Davis trying to get on the public service pension bandwagon.
I think one Davis is more than this city can handle already.

He works full-time to sponsor and promote charter schools, his kids have largely been home schooled because the mayor and wife obviously thought they would get a better education at home rather than via the EGUSD. Now she wants to run for a district seat?
The irony here is unfathomable.

It's all about getting wifey on the pension bandwagon.

Anonymous said...

Does she still home school her kids? If she does then she doesn't belong on the county board of education.
Just another Davis family ploy. She wanted to be on the school board but people saw through that. Enough already. It's time to send both packing.

Someone Who Used to Care said...

This family is incredible. What a bunch oi hypocrites.

Public schools aren't adequate for their kids, but mom will run for a seat of the school board?

If this happens, this city has completely gone into the crapper.

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