Heather Davis Projected Winner in Sacramento County Board of Education Area 6 Race

June 7, 2016 | With 112 of 174 precincts in Sacramento County now reporting, it is projected based on the apparent trends that He...

June 7, 2016 |

With 112 of 174 precincts in Sacramento County now reporting, it is projected based on the apparent trends that Heather Davis will win the Area 6 seat of the Sacramento County Board of Education.

Davis currently has 7,362 vote, or 54.18-percent of the total vote casts. Following Davis is Orlando Fuentes who has 2,946 votes or 21.68-percent; Stephanie Nguyen, 2,535 votes for 18.66 percent; and Jrmar Jefferson has 719 votes for 5.29-percent.

The Area 6 seat also covers small portions of San Joaquin and Solano County. Results for both counties are not yet available.

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Love EG said...

Spease needs to get out with his dignity intact (well, sort of).

Ace of Spades said...

Living proof that a housewife with no political experience can suddenly become a politician, given enough money and glossy brochures. Anyone can do it!

Former city resident said...

It is a very sad day in Elk Grove when a woman who home schools her kids, has tried and failed to get on the local school board and is pushing for an elite charter school because the public schools aren't good enough for her privileged kids gets elected to a county school board position.
All of you must have flushed your brains down the toilet into the sea. How stupid that you believe all that glitzy fancy mailer crap! Shame on all of you. All the kids will pay the price for your stupidity.

Just like Gary, it's Money, Money, Money from the controlling factors!!!

Josie said...

@Former city resident...well said.

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