Over $1 Million Raised For Yes on Sacramento County Measure B Sales Tax Increase

November 1, 2016 | While California voters will decide next Tuesday several statewide initiatives ranging from the legalization...

November 1, 2016 |

While California voters will decide next Tuesday several statewide initiatives ranging from the legalization of recreational use of marijuana to regulation of the state's pornography industry, Sacramento County voters have only one countywide measure to consider, Measure B.

That proposal, which is sponsored by the multi-jurisdictional Sacramento Transportation Authority, seeks to raise sales taxes in Sacramento County by 1/2 cents for 30 years. If approved, funds from the tax will be used for a variety of transportation needs including road repairs and the construction of the long-sought Southeast Connector road that will link I-5 and Highway 99 in Elk Grove to U.S. Highway 50 in Folsom and El Dorado Hills via Grant Line Road in Elk Grove's rural area.

Proponents of Measure B, which include most locally elected officials in Sacramento County, have built an overwhelming war chest to help win voter approval. According to documents filed with the Sacramento County Board of Elections, as of yesterday, the group called the Committee to Repair Our Road & Relieve Traffic, have raised $1.05 million dollars.

Not surprisingly, the major backers of the initiative include road construction interests, construction trade unions, residential developers, and other construction and engineering interests. Sacramento Mayor-elected Darrell Steinberg also loaned the committee $200,000 from his campaign. 

On the other side of the battle is the anti-Measure B group going by the name Don't Double the Tax. Although they have raised only a fraction of the proponents, they have amassed funding to wage a battle.

According to campaign financial disclosure documents, the no side has raised just over $45,000, with much of it coming from Elk Grove resident Lawrence Carli. Much of the resistance to B comes from rural Elk Grove and eastern unincorporated Sacramento County where the proposed Southeast Connector Road is recommended. 

Although the Yes side has more than 23 times the funding of their No opponents, they face a significant hurdle to win. Under state law, they must reach a super majority of 66.6-percent for approval. 

In a separate matter related to the Southeast Connector, the joint powers authority board for the road on Friday, October 28, meeting approved a contract for final design on the 5.5-mile segment on Grant Line Road between Prairie City Road in Folsom and Latrobe Road in El Dorado Hills in two phases. The first phase will include design up to a 35 percent level and is expected to be completed by March 2017.  

"Completion of the second phase – which includes complete final design and right-of-way acquisition – is dependent on the timing and availability of construction funding," according to a press release from the connector authority.  

EGN Media, owner of ElkGroveNews.net, made a non-monetary contribution of advertising on this site valued at $250 to Don't Double the Tax, No on Measure B. 



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