The Power of Words

By Dan Schmitt | November 12, 2016 |  

The current anger and hurt so many Americans feel is not because Clinton lost and Trump won the presidential election. It has much more to do with our president-elect consistently and publicly demeaning Muslims, Mexicans, the disabled, and women throughout his campaign. Just about the only demographic he didn’t demean was the White male.  For the last year and a half, as Trump competed for the most important and powerful position on earth, he incessantly spewed bigotry, racism, and bullying. And now, one of his most important responsibilities is to bring the country together.  Really!  

The day after the election, I had a discussion with an elementary school teacher who said some of her minority students came into the classroom crying because they're afraid of Trump and what he’s going to do to people like them!  What do you say to an 8-year old Muslim kid who heard Trump disparaging his religious community? What do you say to an 8-year old Latino kid who heard the next president say his people are criminals and rapists? What do you say to an 8-year old disabled kid who saw Trump mock a disabled reporter?  What do you say to an 8-year old girl who heard our future president disparage women’s faces and body parts?   

Folks, we’re not talking about some thug dictator of a 3rd World Country. We're not talking about some inebriated lunkhead in a local bar. We're talking about the soon-to-be President of the United States. I heard more than a few Trump supporters say it’s time to let go and come together.  Maybe so, but it’s not that easy, especially for all the people who have been hurt by Trump’s words.

If I could suggest one thing that would begin healing the hurt and allaying the fear Trump created it would be for him to sincerely and humbly say to the country something like this: "I said some things during the election that were hurtful and inappropriate. For that I am truly sorry. I will do better as your president."

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