Elk Grove Lags All Other Nearby Municipalities in Posting of City Council Meeting Minutes

September 11, 2017 |  

In a review of the seven incorporated cities in Sacramento County, the City of Elk Grove lags behind the other six in the posting of city council meeting minutes to their website. Along with Elk Grove, the review examined the website postings of city council meeting minutes for Citrus Heights, Folsom, Galt, Isleton, Rancho Cordova, and Sacramento.

Each city earned a percentage of completion score based on the number of minutes posted on their respective websites compared to the .total number of special and regular meeting that have been conducted in 2017.

For the calendar year 2017, through their last meeting on September 13, the Elk Grove City Council has conducted 37 meetings. Included in this figure were 15 regular sessions, 20 special meetings, and two joint meetings were held with the Elk Grove Planning Commission.

As of today, minutes have been posted for 11 meetings for a completion rate of just under 30-percent. Of these meetings which have posted minutes, all 11 were for closed sessions conducted just before regular city council meetings during which city members discuss items such as labor negotiation, employee reviews, pending litigation, and real property negotiations.

There have been no posted minutes from any of the regular meetings conducted so far this year for a completion score of zero.  

By comparison, the other cities in Sacramento County have completion rates as high as 92-percent in Sacramento, and the second lowest in Rancho Cordova which achieved a score of 60-percent in 2017. Typically most of the minutes except the most current meetings have been posted to their respective websites.

Below are completion rates for each of the other cities based on the number of minutes posted compared to total meetings held as of today. 
  • Citrus Heights - 16 of 19; 84-percent
  • Folsom - 16 of 18; 88-percent
  • Galt - 14 of 16; 87-percent
  • Isleton - 9 of 12; 75-percent
  • Rancho Cordova - 13 of 22; 60-percent
  • Sacramento - 33 of 36; 92-percent
While Elk Grove has the lowest completion rate, on a more qualitative basis, in minutes posted in 2016 more detailed descriptions of proceedings are provided. Likewise, while the City of Isleton has posted three-quarters of their meetings so far this year, the minutes provide few details of the deliberations.

In 2016 there were 45 meeting listed on the Elk Grove's website that would have been qualified as sessions requiring posted minutes. As of today 25, or just over 50-percent of those minutes have been posted to the website. 


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Eye on Elk Grove said...

Like many others, I do not understand why the delay. The City Clerk's office is one of the most responsive departments at the city of Elk Grove.

So were the citizens correct once again when the Elk Grove City Council approved $95,000 to make matters easier for the clerk's office and were scolded by Pat Hume for questioning the expenditure.

Watch for yourselves:


Josie said...

Are we being told by the lack of Minutes being posted that the city council does not believe in the public's right to access information regarding city business and participate in the legislative process?

D.J. Blutarsky said...

If you believe like I do, that nothing happens at City Hall by accident, then I wonder what the motive is for being as transparent as mud?

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