Elk Grove Council Member Announces Reelection Bid via Paid Calendar Advertisement

December 26, 2017 | 

In what some might call an unconventional approach, one Elk Grove City Council Member has announced their reelection bid via an advertisement in a calendar distributed by mail to city households.

The advertisements, which are in the Town Planner calendar for August, September, October, and November 2018, were purchased by Pat Hume for his reelection. Hume, who was first elected to the city council in 2006, is seeking his fourth four year term.

Unlike his council contemporaries who use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to varying degrees, Hume has avoided the medium and has typically conducted campaign marketing via traditional methods like newspaper and print advertising, and election mailers. Likewise, except volunteering his auctioneering services, Hume has mostly eschewed high visibility social events during his 11-plus city council tenure.

Should Hume win reelection in 2018, he will tie former council member Jim Cooper with four consecutive electoral victories. If Hume stays in office past 2020, he will surpass Cooper's 14-year tenure and become the city's longest-serving council member.

Although Hume has announced his candidacy via this paid advertisement, and despite chatter of various opponents, to date, there are no declared challengers for the District 2 seat.  

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D.J. Blutarsky said...

Hint...if you hold the ad up to a blacklight at a 45 degree angle, turn it upside down and read from right to left, it says this ad entitles you to a free jelly donut on April Fools Day!

Eye on Elk Grove said...

Pat Hume excels at impression management. However, regarding the serious racial issues of late, his continued complex rhetoric is one sign that Hume is a political leader who appears to be uncomfortable living in a pluralistic city. I cite his comment about Elk Grove still being a “redneck town.”

As the one elected leader who has lived in Elk Grove the longest, comes from “old Elk Grove,” he should tackle the redneck mentality head on by working, absent the theatrics, to dismantle structural racism in Elk Grove.

A few town hall meetings are not enough. Let’s see what Hume does in the New Year!

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