Ly raises $124,000 in first six months of 2018 for Elk Grove mayoral reelection campaign
July 31, 2018 |
In his campaign disclosure statement filed today with the Elk Grove City Clerk's office, Steve Ly reported raising $124,754 for his mayoral re-election campaign. Ly's California Form 460 showed that for the six month period ending June 30, 2018, his campaign had a cash balance of $132,125 after expenses.
The 67-page filing listed donations from 223 donors. Of those, the majority, 170 were listed as individual contributions, and the balance were classified as other, and by the appearance were primarily businesses.
In the individual contributions, the vast majority were in the $100 to $500 range. The total number of donors listing an Elk Grove address was less than five percent of the total.
Of the 10 donors listing Elk Grove addresses, two were businesses, and eight were individuals. One of the individual donors was Ly's political ally and Cosumnes Community Services District Director Rod Brewer, who donated $100.
Ly's largest donations were from Sacramento-based developer Chrysanthy T. Demo and Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 447. Both entities donated $5,000.
Among Ly's expenses were airlines tickets to Minneapolis for a fundraiser valued at $327. Ly also listed a payment on a credit card of $3,137 for unspecified expenses.
Notable on Ly's payments were $2,600 to Tyson Shamus Sorci, doing business as Legion IV Asymmetric Consulting. Sorci is also a City of Elk Grove employee where he is one of Ly's paid part-time assistants.
Ly is seeking his second two-year term and is being challenged by Tracie Stafford and Elk Grove Vice Mayor Darren Suen.
Ly is seeking his second two-year term and is being challenged by Tracie Stafford and Elk Grove Vice Mayor Darren Suen.
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