Letter to the Editor: Elk Grove Mayoral Race Hit Piece Mailers and Online Ads – Go High!

October 22, 2018 |  

If your mailbox is like mine, on any given day for the past few weeks, aren’t you sick to death of political mailers, often referred to as trashcan liners?  Much worse, with today’s technology, social media political ads have also taken an ugly turn. 

However, by the hit piece via an online ad from the “Alliance to Protect the Middle Class,” local Elk Grove politics is, once again, getting very nasty. 

A union is behind this particular Independent Expenditure Committee (IE) hit piece ad. It is very clear the IE supports Elk Grove Vice Mayor Darren Suen who, along with Tracie Stafford, are challenging current Elk Grove Mayor Steve Ly for his job. 

There is no place in politics for these hateful mailers and ads funded by special interests that hide behind some altruistic name sending out these hit pieces to try and fool the voting public. Elk Grove voters are much smarter than that, aren’t we?

Additionally, do not believe the candidate never knows about the IE hit piece.  They always know.  Besides, isn’t the candidate ultimately responsible for what occurs in his/her campaign? Mind you, there has been no announcement from the Suen camp denouncing this current ad and/or any hit piece mailers.

Elk Grove voters need to decide for themselves if they want their vote to go to a mayoral candidate who condones gutter politics, or an alternative candidate who, as Michelle Obama is famous for saying, “When they go low, we go high.”

Shouldn’t our votes go to a candidate who refuses to go low? Why? Because it would be a clear indicator of the caliber of the mayor, and subsequent uncompromising leadership, the city and the people of Elk Grove will receive in the future.

Constance V. Conley
Elk Grove, CA

Copyright © 2018 by Constance Conley. All rights reserved

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