Suen saturating social sites

Darren Suen and Elk Grove Rotary member Oscar O'con, Sr.. |  

October 16, 2018 |  

As previously reported, several candidates in Elk Grove races have taken to Instagram, the mobile device-based social media site wildly popular with a younger demographic group than sites like Facebook. 

Among those using the site for their mayoral bids are Tracie Stafford and Darren Suen; Jaclyn Moreno who is seeking one of two open seats in the Cosumnes Community Services District Board of Directors; and Andres Ramos who is challenging Pat Hume for Elk Grove's District 2 seat. Although all four have paid advertisements, by far, Suen has seemingly devoted the most resources to the platform.

Today alone, Suen has run three different ads that have showed-up in feeds. Of those, two included videos.

One of the videos features Oscar O'con Sr. (below center) who Suen introduced as a Veteran of the armed forces. O'con, who is known for his involvement with the Elk Grove Chamber of Commerce and the Elk Grove Rotary, seems to be an appeal to more conservative voters.

The other video features aerial shots of locations around the city including a park and the under-construction aquatics center in the civic center. Suen narrates the segment.

The static advertisement included an aerial picture (below left) of the recently open Costo store on Elk Grove Boulevard. The message in this advertisement highlight the Sacramento Bee's recent endorsement of his candidacy.

Outside of Suen's paid advertisement on social media and other online sites, there appears, at least in one case, to have supporters post endorsements on the neighborhood security watch site, NextDoor.

In a posting today on the Laguna-Riviera forum, one supporter sited the numerous endorsements from elected officials adding that Suen "demonstrates a stronger and more profound leadership capacity." It is not known if this is a coordinated effort or being done independently of the Suen campaign. 

For Suen, the questions to be answered will advertising to the younger audience on Instagram dividends at the ballot box? 


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