Environmental group shows support for NEST fight against Elk Grove's proposed Stonelake hospital

Since the December 2019 by the Elk Grove-based California Northstate University (CNU) of their intention to build a 400-bed $750 million for-profit hospital in the city's Stonelakes neighborhood, clear battle lines have been drawn.

On the side of CNU's ambitious plan has been at least two Elk Grove city council members, Mayor Steve Ly, and Councilmember Darren Suen. Both have spoken favorably for the for-profit hospital, staged political events at CNU facilities, and have accepted cash from CNU's chief executive officer, Dr. Alvin Cheung.

Although the three other city councilmembers - Steve Detrick, Pat Hume, and Stephanie Nguyen have been mostly silent on the project, all attended the December announcement in tacit support of CNU. Inspection of public documents, especially those from Elk Grove's economic director Darrell Doan, has given the impression - before any formal hearing much less city council vote - of cooperation between CNU's plans and the establishment of a so-called medi-center that would include a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant.

Over a year ago CNU enlisted former Elk Grove Mayor Gary Davis and his Civic Innovations Public Affairs organization to grease the wheels on the project. Unfortunately for CNU - and for the benefit of the NEST, Neighbors Ensuring Sincere Transparency, the leading group organized in opposition to the project, his results have been less than successful. 

Instead of exercising diplomacy, Davis seems to have taken the if the only tool you have is a hammer, then every problem is a nail approach. Davis posted comments on Facebook (see above) - which were subsequently removed - calling NEST and other community members childish for their opposition to CNU's project. 

Although support for NEST and their fight has come almost exclusively from individuals, through their use of social media, they have found support of a leading environmental group. That group is the Environmental Council of Sacramento -  ECOS - who indicated their support last night on Twitter.

Responding to tweets from NEST, ECOS noted the proposed hospital is located adjacent to the Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge. 

ECOS then replied to a NEST Tweet saying, "We are with you on this!"


Even though NEST faces long odds in their battle against Cheung, Ly, Suen, Doan, Davis, building trades unions, political bosses, big money, and wide assortment corporate interests, having the support of ECOS will be helpful. 


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