Suspects in domestic violence incidents while driving arrested by Elk Grove PD

Two suspects were arrested by Elk Grove Police on suspicion of domestic violence while operating vehicles with child occupants. I...

Two suspects were arrested by Elk Grove Police on suspicion of domestic violence while operating vehicles with child occupants.

In the first incident on Saturday, June 1, Roberto Soto, 29, of Sacramento was operating a vehicle with his vicitm and six children when he allegedly grabbed and scratched his vicitms face. 

When exiting the vehicle he allegedly punched the victims hand casuing a visbile injury. Soto was arrested and the victim was issued an emergency prtoective order.

The second incident happened later in the day when Leonardo Ledesma, 37, of Sacramento was in a parked vehicle when he allegedly grabbed the victim by their hair and was pushed outside. As the victim was attempted to unbuckle the two children inside the vehicle, Ledesma drove away, collided with another vehicle causing the two children to fall out of the side door resuling in minor injuries. 

Ledesman, who is on parole, was located by another police agency later in day after fleeing the incident and was taken into cuctody.


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