Elk Grove man, elementary school counselor arrested on child pornography charges

An Elk Grove man is being held at the Sacramento County Jail on charges of possession of child pornography.

Elk Grove Police Department detectives working in conjunction with the Sacramento Valley Hi-Tech Crimes Task Force and Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Bureau arrested Larry Capello, 54. Police detectives were contacted by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children after they received a tip reporting images of child pornography found on the internet. 

According to police reports, the investigation into Capello started earlier this year. Yesterday, EGPD detectives along with investigators from the Sacramento Valley Hi-Tech Crimes Task Force served a search warrant at Capello’s residence.

Capello has been employed as an elementary school counselor in Stockton. The suspect is charged with possession of obscene matter depicting persons under 18 years old and will be arraigned on October 22. .

Police have continued their investigation and ask anyone with information regarding Capello and his potential involvement with minors to contact Elk Grove Police Department Investigations Bureau at (916) 627-3718 or tips can also be sent via SMS text message by entering CRIMES (274637) on a cell phone, followed by Tip732 (agency identification number) and the message.

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