Elk Grove News Minute - Better luck for California Northstate University on their next talking point

Anyone who has heard a real estate pitch is familiar with the phrase location, location, location. This week California Northstate University made that pitch on it proposed hospital on Elk Grove’s far westside.

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D.J. Blutarsky said...

EGN needs to back off.

I agree that the new Dignity hospital will be centrally located, to automobiles that is. But what EGN fails to mention is that when the Stonelakes levee breaks, CNU will be centrally located for kayaks and other personal watercraft! Try cruising your inflatable Zodiac down Elk Grove Blvd. to Dignity!

And let's not forget the risk of downstream flooding of Stonelakes caused by the new "Suez Canal" drainage project along Kammerer Road. If you haven't seen this massive public works project, check it out. It will supposedly handle all of the drainage for the new expanded south end of the city and some 70,000 new residents.

I just hope the engineers worked up their calculations correctly and the beavers aren't gnawing away at the levee. CNU should offer dockside parking for kayaks just in case!

Eye on Elk Grove said...

D.J., when it comes to Elk Grove, it is the "Suen Canal!"

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