Southern California city to consider cutting councilmembers salaries during COVID19 crisis

Riverside County Courthouse, 1903.jpg

A proposal by one city councilmember of an Inland Empire municipality would virtually eliminate their salaries during the COVID19 crisis. 

The proposal by Riverside City Councilmember Charles "Chuck" Conder Jr. would reduce the salary of the seven-person body to $1. The resolution does not include Mayor Rusty Bailey and does not specify when the suspension would terminate. 

The matter will be considered during the Tuesday, April 7, regular meeting. Riverside city councilmembers, while considered part-time, earn $41,376 annually, and the mayor earns $82,764.

According to the report, which Conder prepared for the discussion, the stay at home order has devastated local businesses, and the give-back by councilmembers could prevent the layoff of city employees.

Conder, who represents Ward 4 in Riverside, noted in his report, "As the elected leaders of the PEOPLES government, WE must take extraordinary action. lead by example, and share in their sacrifice." The resolution says each member of the city council has an outside or retirement income.  

Riverside is the county seat of Riverside County and has a population of 303,000. During the Great Recession, Riverside and several other municipalities in the Inland Empire area of Southern California were hard-hit by the housing collapse.  

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