In advance of 2022 waste recycling mandate, Elk Grove to start examining substantial garbage collection fee increases

Legislative policy updates Food waste

Garbage bills in Elk Grove could increase by 50-percent | 

At their Wednesday night regular meeting, the Elk Grove City Council will begin discussions that will lead to an increase in garbage collection fees as the result of a state-mandated recycling program.

The mandate the city council will be reviewing stems from California Senate Bill 1383 which was signed into law in 2016 by former Gov. Jerry Brown. The legislation, which becomes effective in 2022, set statewide goals for the reduction of organic waste at landfills. 

Organic waste, which includes food waste, will require the additional collection of the material by garbage haulers. In Elk Grove, garbage collection is performed by Republic Services. 

According to the staff report for Wednesday's meeting, the city council will be asked for guidance on three aspects of the new recycling services. The city council will be asked for a targeted implementation date; when and how to adopt an increase for garbage collection ratepayers;  and adoption of the new ordinances.

The staff report says that independent analysis shows garbage and recycling fees for ratepayers could increase 20 to 25-percent, while garbage haulers expect rates to increase by up to 50-percent.

Wednesday night's meeting starts at 6 p.m. and will be conducted via teleconference.    
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D.J. Blutarsky said...

SB1383 was signed into law by Jerry Brown, primarily to help reduce global methane emissions from landfills which contribute to greenhouse gases; and secondarily, probably as a bill selling point, to help provide food waste to food charities. As a result, each resident will soon be required to pay anywhere from 20-50% more on their trash bill to recover the hauler's cost to transport the waste.

It is with some cynical amusement that I sit back and watch the extreme Democratic policies of California slowly lead to the State's downfall. While this bill is not as extreme as AOC's call to ban cows, it is nevertheless an extreme position that disproportionately falls on the thinning pocketbooks of the lower and middle-class democratic base.

Ironically, it seems that the same democratic influencers in the State who tout its progressive-save-the-earth policies, are also the very same ones who are, or soon will be fleeing the State when they retire, or otherwise uproot to a low-tax state.

So as you wheel out that trash bin of juicy, smelly food waste to your curb each week, or get stuck behind a big leaky trash truck in your daily traffic jam, please remember, you are saving the earth and your retirement to a low-tax state is just a U-Haul away!

Atticus Finch said...

I think many would agree that we have more pressing issues right now than worrying about diversion and recycling rates that ultimately lead to higher bills for the consumer. If needed, the smart move would be to put a moratorium on SB 1383 until our economy recovers. Business is booming for republic! RSG is the country's second largest solid waste collector and closed today at 78 and change.

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