Elk Grove News Minute - COVID19 malcontents at City Hall

Front-line medical public servants are to be commended during the COVID19 crisis. Some administrative public employees, however, according to Elk Grove’s official spokesperson are upset with extra duties during the crisis.  

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Eye on Elk Grove said...

Thank you EGN for this important minute.

The city of Elk Grove pays some of the highest salaries in the region. There are city of Elk Grove executive staff employees who make more than their counterparts at the city of Sacramento; a city with a population three times that of Elk Grove’s.

In year’s past, the city’s PIO office was just one person in Christine Brainerd. She did a fabulous job, never complained, and certainly would have never posted a comment such as the one posted by her successor.

When Christine left for the city of Folsom, more employees were added to the city’s PIO office as it appeared her replacement was not able to handle the job alone. And yes, those added employees are receiving very handsome salaries as well.

The median household income in Elk Grove is $85K. If city employees are complaining about a little more work, too bad. Maybe is time to reduce some of their salaries to coincide with what the people who provide their salaries earn.

Instead of being grateful to have a high-paying job with lots of perks; they are complaining.

Working for a local government is about “serving the people.” Sounds to me that some of these employees need a reality check along with their generous paycheck on the backs of some people who have lost their jobs!

D.J. Blutarsky said...

Agree with Eye on EG.

Their day of reckoning is coming with next year's 2020-21 budget and the walloping their revenues will take. Those bloated departments, and they know who they are, can only cut so much fat out their budgets before they find they will have to cut into the meat.

Economic Development has three staff--a Director, a Manager, and a worker-bee. $1.5 million a year. It's easy to give out incentive money like a vending machine when it's not your money.

The Animal Shelter Hilton has a City veterinarian, yet it looks like the Police Department takes their police dogs to the Bradshaw Clinic for care.

The Household Hazardous Waste center was supposed to lower our trash bills. The bondholders better hold their breath on this place!

District 56 "put us on the map", but that Lazy River might be slowing to a trickle if things don't get better.

The Police union contract is locked in, but it seems like every Council meeting newly hired officers are paraded before the cameras. If the pandemic persists after summer, wait for the City to try to sell us on a new sales tax increase or threaten to layoff officers if the tax is not passed for the 2021-22 budget.

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