Ly raises $110,000, has close to a quarter-million amassed for Elk Grove mayoral reelection bid

Although Elk Grove Mayor Steve Ly has been under political fire for the last several weeks, he can enter the three months leading to election day without concern about financial resources to run his reelection campaign.

In his 46-page semi-annual California Form 460 report filed today with the Elk Grove City Clerk's office, the second-term mayor reported contributions of $110,038 for the period ending June 30. With that infusion, Ly has $232,274 on hand for his reelection campaign.

Ly's contributions included a mix of money from individuals ranging from $100 up to $1,500. Along with those, there was an assortment of donations from companies and individuals associated with California Northstate University and other healthcare interests to the more typical businesses such as real estate developers and labor unions contributions.

California Northstate University, which has become a significant political player in the last two years was a source of substantial donations for Ly. CNU, which operates a medical school in Elk Grove's Stonelakes neighborhood has proposed to build a 400-bed hospital that Ly supports that has generated substantial opposition.

The following donations are from healthcare interests and individuals associated with CNU:
  • California Heart Medical Associates, Fresno - $1,000
  • Mouying Lee, Mountain Family Healthcare, Montague, Ca. - $10,000
  • Kham Yang Lee, Kerman Dialysis Center, Fresno - $6,000
  • Alvin Cheung, CEO CNU - $6,000
  • Stanley Lee, pharmacist, Folsom - $1,000
  • Gordon Wong, physician CNU - $2,500
  • Wu and Pan Medical Associates, Sacramento - $1,100
  • Catherine Yang, CNU - $500
Among real estate, labor unions and other business interests, Ly received the following:
  • C.C. Yen, McDonald's franchisee - $7,500
  • California Conference Amalgamated Transit Union, Los Angeles - $5,000
  • Camp Logistics Elk Grove - $1,250
  • Chrysanthy Demos Investments, Sacramento - $5,000
  • Committee for Home Ownership, Northstate Builders Association, Granite Bay - $1,000
  • Elite Truck Repair and Wash, Elk Grove - $1,250
  • Laborers Local 185, Sacramento - $1,500
  • Louie & Voula Pappas Investments, Sacramento - $1,000
  • Operating Engineers Local 3, Alameda - $800
  • John Papagiannopoulus, Pappas Investments, Sacramento - $2,000
  • Chrisa Pappas, Chrissa Pappas Fashion Shop, Sacramento - $2,000
  • Republic Services, Phoenix - $2,000
  • Schetter Electric - $5,000
  • Hieu Tai Tran, Trans Group Inc., Arcadia, Ca. - $10,000
  • US Transport, Elk Grove - $1,250
  • Willdan Group - $5,000

Even though as of last week Ly was challenged by four candidates who had filed intentions statements, none had the presumed financial resources or name recognition to wage a strong campaign. Things have changed this week with the entrance of Elk Grove Unified School District Trustee Bobbie Singh-Allen and former Cosumnes Community Services District Director Pat Perez.

Singh-Allen, who has received several high-profile Democratic endorsements following a tough few weeks for Ly, is expected to wage a strong campaign. Since late June Ly has been besieged by various allegations of harassment and threats made on his behalf towards several women and women officeholders including Singh-Allen which Ly has denied.

Even though Singh-Allen has entered the race as the filing deadline looms and the general election is only three months away, she is expected to raise sufficient funds based in part on her endorsements. One of the main themes Singh-Allen is expected to emphasize in her fledgling campaign is the various claims of harassment and threats made by Ly's associates. 

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