Elk Grove News Minute Extended Version - Detrick validates narrative of Elk Grove City Council racism
the Wednesday night meeting of the Elk Grove City Council did Vice Mayor Steve
Detrick validate claims made earlier that evening by community members
that the city council is racist.
This is why Elk Grove doesn't have light rail--the past and present City Council members, including our beloved Jim Cooper saying, "we don't need light rail bringing those kind of people to town".
All the Council braggadocio about Elk Grove being one of the most diverse communities in the country is nothing but paying lip service. When it comes down to dots on a map, the real issue becomes "what color are the dots and how much money to they make?
At the first city of Elk Grove Diversity Committee meeting, Co-Chair, Elk Grove City Council Member Pat Hume told everyone present that he has admonished people who live in East Elk Grove to, and I quote, "Put away your hoods!"
In my opinion, Hume needs to repeat that admonishment from the dais to include Steve Detrick!
Not everyone, Steve "The Elitist Mentor" Detrick, can afford to live in a gated community on a private lake shutting out all of their constituents who live in District 3!
Detrick is not running for re-election but he endorses Kevin Spease; this will continue the gang of 4 in city hall who supports Bobbie Singh Allen. Elk Grove needs new leadership; non racist leadership
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