Maureen Craft holds Zoom campaign event as race for Elk Grove's District 3 heats up

On Saturday morning, Elk Grove District 3 City Council candidate Maureen Craft held a Zoom meeting to kickoff her door to door campaign. Craft is one of five candidates seeking to fill the seat that is being vacated by three-term Republican Councilmember Steve Detrick.

Unlike previous Elk Grove City Council races, this year, councilmembers will be elected on a by-district basis. Before this year's elections, councilmembers were required to live in one of four districts but were elected citywide. The mayor, who is the fifth member of the city council, continues to be selected by the entire electorate.

In 2016, District 3 voted for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump by a wide margin. During her remarks, Craft supporter Kendra Lewis, Vice-Chair of the California Democratic Party Black Caucus,  said the Democratic registration advantage in District 3. 

"There are roughly 13,000 registered Democrats [in the district], there are only 5,000 roughly registered Republican, and there are roughly 5,000 registered independents," Lewis said. "So if we get out the vote,  Maureen wins, so if we get the independents, Maureen wins."

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Lewis also noted that the Democratic Party of Sacramento that Craft's election is one of two high priority races, along with Gregg Fishman is who is running for the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors District 3 seat, to flip both districts from red to blue.  

Others speaking on behalf of Craft were Cosumnes Community Services District Director Rod Brewer Monica Madrid, political chair for Women's Democrats, and Carolyn Fowler,  California Democratic Party Women's Caucus.

During her presentation, Craft discussed some of her platform issues, including economic development and ensuring equity in the city, and thanked the meeting participants and her supporters. Before diving into her discussion on the candidacy, Craft also recognized Friday's death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and asked for a moment of silence.  

"We are on the trail to make history; I would be the first Black woman on the Elk Grove City Council," Craft said. "But better than that, I would the representation for the everyday people."

Craft also debuted a recently produced campaign video which can be viewed on her campaign website.
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Steve L said...

This position is supposed to be party neutral.

Did Maureen defend her position of supporting Mayor Ly, who has established himself as a liar, a bully and harasser of women of color?
I really need to hear her stance on the mayor whom our city council has recommended by investigated by the Grand Jury.

White Hat said...

Did Maureen talk about how she ran over to stand up for the screaming mom with the law breaking son? The same mother that created a scene in a local dentist office. Yes both videos were seen. Good going Ms Craft, stand up for those criminals!

Randy Bekker said...

Maureen Craft has not denounced Mayor Ly’s behavior. She did take down the video of him supporting her but no denouncement. As the Mayor has stated on a few occasions it will be a campaign issue. It’s goes to the heart of character an if Maureen Craft is elected is she going to rubber stamp everything Ly wants that is if he is re-elected. All we are hearing is crickets so when Maureen are you going to denounce Steve Ly. When need to see a public denouncement.

D.J. Blutarsky said...

This election is an insult to our intelligence.

We need to jump up with joy because Craft would be the "first black woman on City Council"?

Well, Steve Ly was the first Hmong Mayor. Jim Cooper was the first MBA graduate to sit on City Council. Stephanie Nguyen was the first Vietnamese on City Coucil. Steve Detrick was the first water skier on City Council. Gary Davis was the first Mayor who owned a coffee business on City Council. Sophia Scherman was the first woman to give out flags on Veterans Day to sit City Council. Darren Suen was the first Asian engineer on City Council. Bob Trigg was the first retired educator on City Council. Pat Hume was the first person who gave out pot holders on City Council...wake me when the election is over!

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