Elk Grove News Minute - Jockeying, posturing & brown nosing for the 9th Assembly
California Assemblymember Jim Cooper’s announcement this week that he is exploring a run for
Sacramento Sheriff came as no surprise. Cooper is exploring a run for Sacramento County Sheriff.
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If I were to handicap this, my bets would go like this:
Davis: 20-1 longshot. He's been out of politics too long and would have trouble raising the kind of funds that will be necessary to win. He's been known to be hawking Hondas for a local dealership, but he would have to find a local Ferrari or Lamborghini dealer to raise the kind of money he will need for this race!
Suen: 10-1 longshot: This is like comparing Al Gore to Bill Clinton. Like Gore, Suen sees the world of politics as a series of technical decisions and rastional outcomes. Clinton, like Cooper, is a schmoozer and could charm the pants off the opposition. They flourish in the murky underworld of politics. Suen would be a lost sheep.
Ly: 5-1 longshot: Just as cattle are branded for life, Ly's branding as a bully will follow him around for life if he tries to re-enter the world of politics. We may n ever know the truth, but regardless, Ly's politcal career is over.
BSA: 3-5 favorite. Combine Coop's endorsement, Bera's mentoring, Party loyalty, and a savvy communications PR man, and you have the hands-down favorite for Assembly. Two years of campaigning and fund raising is an eternity and District 9 voters will come to think of BSA as our social conscience, leader, den mother, big sister, and bully-control commander.
I'll throw in a couple more long-shots just for grins.
I'm not sure if he lives in the district, but he could move, and he sure wants back in the game. I am referring to Roger Dickinson. Like Davis he has been out of the game for some time, but he has maintained good relations with many in the community.
The other is a long-shot that he would run, but if he did he would have to be considered the favorite. I am referring to Supervisor Don Nottoli. People know him and his brand of Democratic politics matches nicely to that of District 9 as it is currently configured. What a better way to end his public service career than at the California Assembly.
Funny no mention of Tracie Stafford. The move or possible move Cooper is making has been part of many of conversations over the last couple years. I will not add or subtract to those already mentioned other than to say unless a candidate can get a wide range of support an is able to gather close to 1/2 million dollars in campaign contributions for a year long campaign I think they might be wasting their time.
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