Six years ago today - Four Elk Grove City Councilmembers sworn in during one ceremony

Six years ago tonight, two new members of the Elk Grove City Council - one elected and one appointed were sworn-in and two departing councilmembers - one elected and one appointed. were honored Additionally, two other elected city councilmembers were sworn-in in what was a historic event in city history. 

On December 10, 2014, newly elected District 4 councilmember Steve Ly was sworn in after defeating Nancy Chaires. Ly replaced Bob Trigg, who was appointed in early 2013 as a compromise "seat holder" who was selected to fill the seat vacated by Gary Davis following his election to mayor in November 2012.

Also, sworn-in after running unopposed in the November 2014 election were Mayor Gary Davis and District 2 representative Pat Hume. 

Another new councilmember taking their oath that night was District 1 representative Darren Suen. After Jim Cooper was elected to the California Assembly in November 2014, Suen, in what has been said was an arranged "gentlemen's" agreement of the councilmembers, probably in violation of the Brown Act, was quickly appointed to the seat that Cooper vacated. 

The city also honored Cooper and Trigg for their service on the city council. In a feat that is unlikely to be matched, four councilmembers took their oath of office that evening. 

Steve Ly

Pat Hume (center) and Gary Davis

Jim Cooper (left) and Bob "Bernie" Trigg. 

Darren Suen.

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