Trustee vacancy on Elk Grove Unified School District to be filled by appointment

At their regular meeting on Tuesday, December 15, the six Trustees of the Elk Grove Unified School District voted 4-2 to fill that vacancy created by the recent resignation of Bobbie Singh-Allen from her Area 4 seat. That resignation came as Singh-Allen was sworn in following her election as Elk Grove Mayor.

The vote came after a presentation by Superintendant Dr. Christopher Hoffman, who said the two-years remaining on the Area 4 term could be filled by conducting a special election in November 2021 or via appointment. Hoffman said the special election would cost between $2 and $4 million and would mean the seat would remain vacant until late next year.  

Should the six Trustees agree on an appointee, it would be the second time in a little over eight years that the Area 4 seat was vacated and filled by appointment. Singh-Allen's entree into politics came when she was appointed in 2012 to a two-year  

Supporting the appointment were Trustees Beth Albiani, Nancy Chaires-Espinoza, Dr. Chrystal Martinez-Alire, and Tony Perez. Opposing the appointment were Carmine Forcina and Sean Yang.

The timeline for the appointment process (see below) would start immediately with public notice of the opening and culminating with public interviews of candidates selected by a subcommittee of Chaires-Espinoza, Forcina, and Perez, scheduled for January 26. Hoffman noted an appointment could be made at the January 26 meeting, but it would be provisional.

The initial appointment would be for 30 days and allows for those opposing the selection a process to overturn the board of trustee's action.  Should no opposition surface, the term automatically extends until 2022. 

"I haven't seen it happen very often, where the 30-day piece comes into play, but sometimes a person who interviews but didn't get chosen, can evoke this process, so that happens from time to time," Hoffman said.    

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Spoons and Forks said...

It seems during the campaign Mayor Bobbie was complaining that Steve Ly and some of his friends were trying to stop her appointment in 2012. I wonder if her appointment at the time was also provisional?

If so, her complaints about Ly and his friends trying to stop a provisional appointment back then are invalid. More political bull sh*t and she is lying by omission. Looks like we have a real BS'er in BSA. Can't help but wonder what else she has and will distort.

Eye on Elk Grove said...

Here's my take: Look for Jake Rambo whom BSA said is "her brother" to get the appointment. Back in 2012, voters selected Steve Ly over Rambo after he got his first EGUSD appointment.

Quoting Rambo, “Sir, Do We Get To Win This Time?” . . . John Rambo but the shoe still fits.

Neo Elk Grove said...

Without a doubt, Jake Rambo will try to get the appointment, but he's not a shoo-in. A good chance Forcina, Perez, and Yang, possibly out of loyalty to Steve Ly, will block his appointment. Rambo will need four votes. Remember, with Chet Madison's departure from the board, there is no African-American representation. Latino's, Asian's and whites, and of course women are represented, but no one from the Black community.

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