Yellow light traffic pilot program in Elk Grove promoted on social media

When Bobbie Singh-Allen ran for mayor last year she had a five-point plan to alleviate Elk Grove's increasing traffic congestion. Whether it is to bolster the mayor's promise or a coincidental event, today the City of Elk Grove promoted its experiment to improve traffic flow. 

According to the information posted on the city's Instagram account, motorists were reminded of flashing yellow left-turn signals that have been installed at several intersections as part of a pilot program. Those intersections include the following:

Not surprisingly, reaction on social media has so far been mixed. Some have applauded the move while others have expressed concern. 

To assist motorists, the city produced an instructional video. There has been no indication that the program will be expanded, or if there have been more accidents at the modified intersections. 

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JD said...

If Elk Grove really wants to improve traffic flow while minimizing crashes and wrecks, they should install roundabouts at every major intersection. There is a reason why you find them all over Europe: they work! I’ve seen way too many people, especially in the last year, blow through red lights like they weren’t even there. With roundabouts, you can’t just blow through them, unless you want to wreck your car. People may be resistant because they find them scary, but that is precisely the point. If something “feels” scary, you’re far more likely to be cautious and attentive, which you’re supposed to be anyway!

But the best thing is about them is that most of the time, you don’t need to stop. And the few times you do need to stop, it’s only for a moment. Contrast that with traffic lights (and here in EG, we’ve got an S ton of them!) where you have to sit at a red light for 2 minutes (which feels like an eternity). Couple that with the fact that you can end up passing through 5 to 10 of them and you’ve got a 10 to 20 minute delay in getting to where you’re going. That can mean the difference to being on time or late. Given that, is it really so surprising why so many people race around, speeding to catch the next green and running red lights all the time?

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