Kevin Keeps Campaigning

The permanent campaign has long been a fixture in high-level politics. Once a President, U.S. Senator, and Congress members are elected, they continue their fundraising efforts and advertising outreach. 

This practice has also worked its way down the political food chain. While the fundraising aspect for Elk Grove City Council members has long been a fixture, the non-stop active campaigning advertising practice now appears to be part of at least one council member's long-term strategy. 

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White Hat said...

That voice sounds suspiciously like Lynn Wheat. A poor loser maybe?

Josie said...

Can a possible future Candidate face Burn-Out with Pop-Up Ads so early?

Steve L said...

White Hat: You're casting aspersions recklessly here. Had Lynn Wheat wrote this article, she would have her byline attached. She's not afraid to speak her mind, anyone who knows Lynn or watches the CC meetings knows she'll say what she believes and right or wrong. She'll take credit when she's right or accept the repercussions if she's wrong. Too bad the council members don't have that kind of commitment and humility.

Get your facts straight before you libel a dedicated citizen.
Perhaps "Black Hat" may be a more accurate for your clandestine moniker.

But hey, thanks for reading the website.

Eye on Elk Grove said...

I didn't know Lynn What spoke Cantonese? The narrator ended with a sentence in Cantonese, loosely translated, "Thanks for the cash!" Nice voice, but she doesn't sound a bit like Lynn. But the message, on point!

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