Consumer Alert! Phony Elk Grove 'it's about the animals' Zoo discount coupon books being sold door-to-door

Never let it be said that scammers will pass up a ripe opportunity to separate consumers from their hard-earned money. An Elk Grove resident brought to our attention a door-to-door operation of salespeople selling discount coupon books for the Elk Grove Zoo.

Even though the Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie "it's about the animals" Singh-Allen and her four council members have seemingly decided they want the zoo at any expense without even one official meeting - damn the cost to taxpayers, full speed ahead - there is one problem. Notwithstanding their lust for the zoo, it hasn't been built.

Story continued below pictures.

Click on images to enlarge. 

Nonetheless, the City of Elk Grove's public information department has ginned up so much hype that many think the zoo is coming in the next few months and thus become easy marks for scammers. 

Well done, PIO!

Hence, people wanting to see the zoo exhibits are forking over $100 for the book that scammers say is worth $1,000. Obviously, they took a page from the inevitable economic studies commissioned by the Mayor and her four council members telling taxpayers that even though they will be on the hook for millions of dollars in some form or fashion, the benefits to residences will be in The Billions of Dollars!


So when the door-to-door salesperson comes to your front door hustling you, tell them to get lost. And for good measure, when the Mayor and her four subordinates come hat in hand, taxpayers might well question their hustle!

Thanks to a reader, aka an EGN Gnat, for their satirical coupon book and interpretation of the Elk Grove "It's About The Animals" Zoo. 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!    

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Renegade said...

Very funny and very creative. Keep 'em coming, we need a good laugh. Can't wait to visit the EG Zoo!

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