Did Elk Grove Assistant City Attorney Jennifer Alves imply attorney Gregory Thatch is a liar?

Attorney Gregory D. Thatch speaks during  the Wednesday, August 24 Elk Grove City Council
on behalf of Client Tule Oil Co. |  

It is not often a city official, especially an attorney, intentionally calls out someone who spoke during public comment of a hearing. Even more so when the person being highlighted is a fellow attorney.

But that is what appears to have happened during the Wednesday, August 25, Elk Grove City Council meeting. The interaction occurred during an agenda action item on road modifications along Grant Line Road.

During public comment, attorney Gregory Thatch represented his client, Tule Oil, the owner of a Chevron station on Grant Line and Wilton roads in Elk Grove's rural Sheldon neighborhood. The Chevron station could be affected by the new four-lane Southeast Connector that will run through the community that was being discussed.

During his remarks, portions of which can be seen in the video, Thatch asserts said his communications and concerns to Elk Grove had been ignored. He also claimed during the staff presentation on the possible development of traffic circles, his client's problems were absent.    

"Tonight, I have heard virtually nothing at all about our concerns," Thatch told the city council and staff. "Our concerns have been dismissed by staff, they claim that they are perceived only."

Commenting on the outreach process for the roadway project, Thatch added, "I am shocked that we have been ignored in that whole process. Never get responses."

During city council deliberations, Vice Mayor Darren Suen was inquiring about concerns expressed by Thatch and others when Elk Grove Assistant AttorneyJennifer Alves entered the conversation. Alves asserted the city had been in contact with Thatch and other stakeholders. 

"I was surprised to hear that as well since myself and public works staff actually met with Mr. Thatch," Alves said. "In addition to that, we were in constant email contact with him telling him when the meeting was going to be."

Alves added, "that is surprising to hear him say." 

Trying to lighten the situation, Councilmember Pat Hume quipped, "Mr. Thatch, it might be your advancing age, but I did sit down with you and Mr. Tule to have a discussion." 

Thatch made his assertions during public comment, so he was not permitted to respond to Alves and Hume. While not in the same league as those in the major political donor class, such as Pappas Investment or other large developers, Thatch has regularly made contributions to Elk Grove City Council members. 

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D.J. Blutarsky said...

I'm confident that our crack city attorneys with all their courtroom litigation experience will withstand any legal challenges from the little people. My only concern is that the poor zoo animals being transported to Elk Grove might get scared and nauseous if the round-a-bouts aren't designed right!

Randy Bekker said...

All to do about nothing. Given the years this roadway has been under some type of construction oversight horse and buggy’s might become the mode of transportation for the rural area. No need for roundabouts or road widening. We might even bring back the Y-not club. You see these high paid attorney’s should know when their clients bought the property they were well aware or should have been that the front portion of their properties would be taken for progress. Given that stretch is do to be fast track travel to Folsom and highway 50 they are just blowing hot air for nothing. Don’t look for any shovels in the ground for 20-30 years if ever. They might want to start thinking about turning their pumps into electric plug in station and stop worrying about the connector.

Renegade said...

Gregory Thatch has been an occasional but dubious commentator at EGCC meetings for years. His clients can be assured he'll say anything to promote their cause, regardless of the veracity of his comments or actual intent of the client. That puts Thatch's credibility in question as soon as he opens his mouth. His reputation precedes him. His clients should do some research before hiring him as their hired gun.

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