Two Elk Grove City Council campaigns receive labor contributions
So Far, Martin has received more labor money than Brewer
Today two Elk Grove City Council candidates received labor union donations.
According to information compiled by @CATargetAlt, District 2 candidate Felipe Martin and District 4 candidate Sergio Robles each received $2,000. The contributions were from the Northern California District Council of Laborers.
Martin's opponent Cosumnes Community Services District Director Rob Brewer has secured more labor endorsements from groups like Teamsters Local 150 and the powerful Plumbers and Pipefitters. Although Brewer has not recorded any labor contributions this year, in 2021, he received $250 from Sacramento Area Firefighters Local 522 and $1,000 from the Northern California Carpenter Regional Council.
Along with the recent donation from the Laborers, Martin received $1,000 from Laborers Local 185. So far, Martin has received $3,000 in labor union contributions.
In addition to the recent $2,000 labor donation, Robles received $1,000 from Laborer Local 185. The other District 4 candidate, Gieze Bermudez, has not received any labor contributions.
Of note, even though Robles and Martin received identical donations, Martin has formed an informal campaign alliance with Bermudez.
NEW F497
— CATargetAlt (@CATargetAlt) September 21, 2022
Northern California District Council of Laborers...
$24,700 To 6 Recipients
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