More Than Three Minutes Podcast - For transparency, establish a separate fund for Measure E revenues

By Lynn Wheat | 

Elk Grove voters have approved Measure E, a one percent sales tax increase for most purchases in the city. Elected officials and city executives made many promises, but will taxpayers know how the money is being spent on their behalf?

Listen Time 2 minutes 45 seconds

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D.J. Blutarsky said...

Nice try Ms. Wheat. The special hand-picked Citizens Oversight Committee will see to it that our tax dollars are spent wisely--nothing to see here, just move along!

By the way, The Police Department budget is about 2/3 of the total City budget and the police officers union contract expires in June. Just sayin!

Renegade said...

the police get huge payouts thanks to the new casino and all the overtime our cops make working over there. Gotta wonder how all that extra work will effect their response time, alertness, patience and attitude when dealing with their community and our issues. If police want more $$, go work at casino, don't gouge the citizens who already pay you handsomely. If the casino needs more police, they can hire them, not wear out our cops. Not come asking for more officers when the ones we have work second jobs.

Atticus Finch said...

Lynn is under the assumption that council members want spending of Measure E funds to be readily transparent. Since when have our elected officials been transparent about anything? I am not too confident in the "citizen oversight" process. If it is anything like the police oversight committee, it is simply window dressing, with no authority and only advisory in nature. The City will only allow citizens to see what it wants us to see. An outside, independent accounting firm should be retained to audit these funds. But in all honesty, will it really do much good? We all know a majority of the tax payer money will go to PD's budget. And anyone who dares question money going to cops is immediately vilified.

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