Texans like Californians aren't that neighborly, but Cornhuskers will help

Over the last several years, there have been repeated comparisons between the Golden State of California and the Lone Star State of Texas. While many of these have shown significant differences between the states, one study found one unflattering similarity. 

Gunther Volvo of Daytona Beach, Fla., commissioned a study asking over 7,400 Americans if they saw a neighbor stopped on the road alongside a disabled car, would they stop to help? The survey found that 29 percent of Californians would not stop to help. 

While the Lone Star State is reputed to be neighborly, the survey found almost identical scores as Californians. The survey found that 27 percent of Texans would not stop to help a neighbor with a distressed vehicle.

As for the least neighborly state, the survey punctured the myth of Southern hospitality. The state with the least likely to stop was Mississippians, where 40 percent admitted they would not stop to help a neighbor. 

If you are looking for the best state to have a neighbor stop to help when your vehicle breaks down, consider Nebraska. Only 4 percent of the Cornhuskers said they would not stop.

For states and areas where snow is common, the survey found that 49 percent would be less likely to help a neighbor during a snowstorm. Also, it found only one in 10 respondents would help stranded co-workers.

We wonder if the results for co-workers would be different if it was the boss on the side of the road? 

See the interactive map below with the result for each state. 

Created by Gunther-Volvo-Cars-Daytona-Beach • Viewlarger version

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