For once, auto dealers have a legitimate sales pitch to Elk Grove residents 'to get you into this car'

Buy your new car now and save hundreds!

Car dealers will use any gimmick to move that metal.  

On the outrageous side, they've been known to detain people until they get them in that new car. More typically, they'll have hot dog giveaways, deploy inflatable stickmen, or have a sale associated with almost any holiday.

Who can forget when Clark W. Griswald's purchase of the Wagon Queen Family Truckster from Lou Glutz Motors after salesman Ed had his trade-in Oldsmobile station wagon flattened? 

Every now and then, they come up with a legitimate sales pitch. In this 15-second spot airing now on local Comcast for Elk Grove Mazda, they actually have a reason for Elk Grove residents who are thinking of a car purchase to make it before next Saturday. 

It could mean saving anywhere from a few hundred bucks up to $1,000, depending on the vehicle. Watch their commercial to hear their legitimate reason to act now!


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