Member of Elk Grove Police Chief's Advisory Board calls for Councilmember Sergio Robles' resignation over DUI arrest

Earlier today, a member of the Elk Grove Police Chief's Advisory Board called for a member of the Elk Grove City Council's resignation.

In a post on her Instagram account, advisory board member Joy Yip called for the resignation of District 4 Elk Grove City Councilmember Sergio Robles for his May 20 DUI arrests. The first-term council member was arrested by Elk Grove Police after he was reportedly found passed out behind the wheel of a vehicle in the parking lot of the Raley's grocery store on Elk Grove Boulevard.

Not only does Ms. Yip condemn Robles' behavior, she also criticizes his strategic decision to move from District 2 to 4 for the purpose of running for the city council. Yips asks Robles, "Do you know the names of your neighbors? Do you know the names of our streets, the schools, our teachers? Now you live here driving around drunk and could kill anyone of us YOUR constituents????"

Yip did not make the statement as part of the advisory board, nor did she note her membership. 

Below is Yip's entire statement:

I don't normally post negative things on social media, but I just found this out the other day and it has had me livid!

I can't believe in this day and age with so many options like Uber, Lyft, and carpooling someone still makes the dumb ass decision to drive home DRUNK!

We have just spent the last year and a half honoring our fallen officer for being killed by a drunk driver and here is our very own City Council District 4 Sergio Robles @serg2021 driving DRUNK in my NEIGHBORHOOD!

My kids ride their bikes here, we walk the streets in our community, I shop at Raley's regularly and to think you were so drunk YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME or my FAMILY members with the most irresponsible choice you made! WTF!

I think what irks me the most is you strategically moved into District 4 just to run for council so you could win. Do you know the names of your neighbors? Do you know the names of our streets, the schools, our teachers? Now you live here driving around drunk and could kill anyone of us YOUR constituents????

Where were your friends at to take away your car keys for driving home drunk? Where were all the people taking selfies with you that night and drinking alongside you? You had NOT one homie to tell you NOT TO DRINK AND DRIVE??? I would never let my friends ever drive home drunk!!!!


You do not represent me, my family, my community! I am almost certain my District 4 neighbors don't even have a clue this happened! If you can not make a smart enough decision to plan ahead when you drink, then how the hell will you make smart enough decisions that affect me, my family, and my community!

This is so embarrassing! You need to resign! GTFOH!!!!

You can Google more news articles to read for yourself!

#ElkGrove #California #DrunkDriver #Irresponsible #GTFOH #embarassing #ElkGroveCityCouncil #District4

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D.J. Blutarsky said...

With all due respect, I would defer to whatever his employer, Rep. Ami Bera says. Oh that's right, we still haven't heard a peep out of him!

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