Elk Grove Unified trustees hear from supporters of LGBTQ+ students who push back on 'Parental Rights' groups

During the September 19 Elk Grove Unified School District trustee meeting several people came to the defense of LGBTQ+ stendents and school librarians. | 

In a one-hour-plus public comment segment on non-agenda items, the Elk Grove Unified School Board of Trustees heard from several speakers on the so-called parental rights movement.

While the trustees have frequently heard parental rights advocates, during the Tuesday, September 20 meeting, several speakers spoke to defend LGBTQ+ students. They urged the district to resist calls to ban books some claim are objectionable.

Among those supporting LGBQT+ students was Gandy Reinsch. During her comments, Reinsch highlighted some of the positions she claimed were taken by local parental rights individuals. 

"The online activity of these online these local groups is extremist, political, hate-filled bigotry," she said. "I have taken time to print out samples of online memes, screen grabs of videos, and I have those printouts for you here."  

Reisch pinpointed false statements they made that are not currently verified about the former president and first lady Barack and Michelle Obama and President Joe Biden, as well as far-ranging statements about immigrants and government conspiracies. Reisch told the trustees they were likely blocked from those social media accounts so they could not view them. 

Along with LGBQT+ students, other speakers defended school librarians and spoke against book bans. As has been the practice, several self-identified parental rights groups such as momarmy.elkgrove and other individuals also appeared before the trustees to advocate their well-documented positions. 

Ms. Reinsch's entire commentary can be seen in the video.

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Atticus Finch said...

Kudos to Ms. Reinsch for her comments to the school board. People need to realize and understand how terribly difficult it is for children to struggle with their own identities. Many adults know who they are and are comfortable in their own skin; but some kids are still trying to figure that out. We are supposed to be supportive and caring for all students, particularly those going through tough times figuring out how they fit into our world. A world increasingly filled with vitriol and hate from those claiming to be patriots.

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