Will Elk Grove's Singh-Allen, Brewer stand for District 2 constituents and oppose SB423 or muzzle themselves?

Is Elk Grove run by the California Democratic Party or Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen? 

One of the many subplots of the Oak Rose affordable housing project is partisan politics involving Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen and Democratic City Councilmember Rod Brewer. The two longtime friends and Democratic party members are being squeezed by District 2 constituents vehemently opposed to the supportive affordable housing project and the Democratic Party, which supports this and other similar projects statewide.

Those following this story know Singh-Allen and Brewer decried the loss of local control during recent meetings. Aside from the fair housing lawsuit filed against the city by Democratic Attorney General Rob Bonta, two pieces of legislation have gummed things up for Singh-Allen and her four councilmen - Senate Bill 35 and its follow-up Senate Bill 423.

SB 35 has paved the way for the proposed Oak Rose project in Elk Grove's Old Town Special Planning area, to the chagrin of Singh-Allen and Brewer and their District 2 constituents. SB 423, awaiting Gov. Gavin Newsom's signature, will extend the liberalized approval procedures statewide until 2036. 

During the September 27 city council meeting, Singh-Allen and Brewer decried the restrictions placed on them. Singh-Allen castigated Elk Grove's representatives (see video below), past and present, in the Senate and Assembly, saying they should know better given their respective pedigrees in local government.

As reported on Friday, high-ranking California Democratic party officials have ordered Singh-Allen and Brewer to muzzle themselves. Specifically, they have been told not to speak ill of SB 423 lest they suffer the political consequences. 

Mr. Randy Bekker, a prolific commenter on EGN and defacto spokesperson and point-person for the Oak Rose opponents, noted on Friday:

"Gag order, is that a legal order or a political order? I would sure like to know. Last I looked, they represent the citizens in District 2 and Elk Grove residents."

Mr. Bekker's point cannot be overemphasized as the Elk Grove City Council again hears the Oak Rose project during two closed and one open session this week starting tomorrow morning at city hall.

How will Singh-Allen and Brewer respond, especially when confronted with questions about SB 423? What if an Oak Rose opponent presents Singh-Allen and Brewer a petition against SB 423 and asks them to be the first signatories? 

Will they sign the petition to verify their opposition to the legislation and a sign of goodwill to the constituents? Or will they value their future political future and ignore their requests?  

Have Brewer and Singh-Allen spread the word to Oak Rose opponents to muzzle themselves and not discuss SB423? If so, the Democratic Party would have censored the two plotting politicians and played the affordable housing project opponents like puppets. 

Conversely, if someone asks Brewer and Singh-Allen about SB 423 during a meeting, how will they respond? Chances are they will respond by not responding, which shows they succumbed to Democratic party demands.

Understandably, this could be naught. When Singh-Allen and Brewer reconvene from their closed session tomorrow, Mayor Singh-Allen could announce the city will not defend the lawsuit, effectively getting herself, Brewer, and the rest of the city council off the hook.

Things might be clearer tomorrow or not.  

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Randy Bekker said...

Local politics need not to involve party politics over local issues. But when it does the political party over steps their authority. This happened a few times with Ly. He 1st lost citizens support and then he was dumped by his political party. Now with by district voting 3 council members are pretty much safe in most local issues as each can look out for their district and or the city not having to worry. The council member from the district that has the issue is always one that would bare the burden by the citizens who directly vote for them and their political party will not be able to save them. They could be dumped just out of spite by the citizens. The Mayor plays a safe position as being elected by the entire city. However if the political party comes 1st over a city issue especially if it is not supported by the citizens then you could see the Mayor dumped by the citizens like what happened to Ly. It is fair to say SB423 is not a good bill for citizens and cities like Elk Grove that is trying to do what is right but shouldn’t be harmed in the process. This bill with so many empty fields in and around Elk Grove we could become the dumping grounds for Sacramento County if our representatives followed party politics.

D.J. Blutarsky said...

If you throw enough money at a problem, it usually goes away! I would not at all be surprised to see BSA and her troops pull a rabbit out of their hat and announce a last minute agreement with Oak Rose to relocate to another location. BSA stated at the last Oak Rose public hearing that the City had offered up the larger EG-Florin/Calvine property but Oak Rose wasn't nibbling. Well, time to throw more meat on the hook!

If a last minute deal is struck with Oak Rose, the City can brag that they ARE supportive of transition housing, paved the way for an even larger project, and poof, the lawsuits go away. Property plus a boat load of our tax dollars can go a long ways into helping the City regain their face and turn this fiasco into a win-win and our local yokel leaders can once again go from DINOs (Democrats in Name Only) to MOPRAPO (Masters of Press Releases And Photo-Ops).

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