Democracy in action or Dysfunctional? Elk Grove Unified School District trustees spar over school library policy

During their most recent meeting, the Elk Grove Unified School District had a split vote on an issue that has festered for about a year. By a 4 - 3 vote on Tuesday night, the trustees approved a policy that, among many things, set the book selection guidelines at the district's school libraries. 

Over the last year, several parents and critics called on the district to ban certain books from district school libraries. These advocates urged the removal of books they said were pornographic. 

When the final vote came on Tuesday, even though it was apparent it would pass, Trustee Carmine Forcina nonetheless advocated for those seeking restrictions. As you can see in this video, Forcina laid out his arguments.

Included in that commentary, Forcina criticized his colleagues and was joined by Trustee Tony Perez. Even though Forcina threw haymakers at his colleagues, except for counterpunches by trustee and board president Nancy Chaires Espinoza, trustees Beth Albaini, Gina Jamerson, and Michael Vargas were silent.

As you view the vote on the policy in the video below, which is representative of the animosity displayed throughout the hearing, it was, metaphorically, an open book for all to read.  

The issue about the contents in school libraries has splintered the seven-member board. Do the pointed exchanges indicate the Elk Grove Unified School District Board of Trustees is, to use a pop-psychology term, dysfunctional?

Or, as we frequently see on many local governing boards where there is little discussion and dissent is discouraged, and conformity rewarded, are these sparing matches a sign that the school board members are acting as independent representatives as constituents elected them to do? 

Are these exchanges - thankfully free of the threat or actual acts of physical violence - yes, we are talking to you, U.S. Senator Markwayne Mullin - an indication that while democracy can, at times, be messy, the Elk Grove Unified trustees are representing what they believe to be in the best interest of constituents and a sign they are functioning in the true definition of democracy in action?  

Voters will answer that question for some of these trustees next November. 

Photo by Vlad Dediu via Pexels

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