Oak Rose opponents mobilizing, urge attendance at city council meeting & emails to Elk Grove City Council members
With this week's hearing notice announcing Elk Grove's professional city staff is recommending approval of a supportive housing project, opponents of the controversial Oak Rose project have mobilized opposition efforts.
In an email shared by an Elk Grove News reader, the group of Elk Grove residents opposing the Old Town apartment project shared the following today:
From: Jean Sadler <oakrosecommunityinfo@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jan 4, 2024 at 2:07 PM
Subject: URGENT UPDATE for Oak Rose apartments for homeless
Date: Thu, Jan 4, 2024 at 2:07 PM
Subject: URGENT UPDATE for Oak Rose apartments for homeless
Hello neighbors,
There has been an update on the Oak Rose apartment complex for 100% supportive housing for the homeless. On December 29th the city of Elk Grove published and mailed a Notice of Public Hearing to a small group of residents/businesses near the Oak Rose property located at 9252 Elk Grove Blvd.
This notice was emailed to you yesterday for your information by neighbors protesting this proposal. It appears that the city staff will be recommending approval of this proposal at their next City Council meeting which will be held on
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10TH AT 6PM. We have not been privy to any updates between the city and the developer regarding relocating this project to a different location within the city.
You are urged to do three things:
1. Attend the next City Council meeting to show your support to have this project denied. Again, this meeting is on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10TH AT 6PM at 8401 Laguna Palms Way, Elk Grove, 95758.
2. Forward this email to anyone you know in this general area. We only have 100 email addresses so there are lots of our neighbors that don't even know about the next City Council meeting. Also, please talk or text your neighbors about this if you don't have their email address.
3. Please email the city council as soon as possible (before Jan 10th). ask them not to give up the fight for a better solution. Their addresses are below:
Additionally, last night, about two dozen people attended a quickly organized meeting at the Mountain Mike's pizzeria on Elk Grove Boulevard and Waterman Road. During the session, participants reportedly brainstormed ideas to convince the city not to follow the recommended approval and again deny the project.
The Oak Rose project is a 67-unit affordable and supportive housing project that intends to help people transition to permanent housing. The Elk Grove City Council denied the project in July 2022 but was subsequently sued by the project proponents, Long Beach, Calif.-based Excelerate Housing, and the state of California for alleged violation of fair housing laws.
As noted in the email distributed today, residents are asked to contact the five-member Elk Grove City Council, telling them to deny the project. A similar strategy worked for the opponents in September 2023.
At the September meeting, the city staff recommended reversing their July 2022 decision and approving the project. Faced with a boisterous audience, the city council cowered and took no action, effectively a short-term denial.
Since then, the state has continued its pursuit of the city, and the matter has become a political embarrassment for Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh Allen and her city council. Whether Singh-Allen and her council once again cower or follow the city staff's recommendation will be determined at the Wednesday, January 10, city council meeting.
Photo by Edmond Dantès via Pexels
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Grab your popcorn, folks!
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