Elk Grove News Minute - If Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen is so certain of zoo support, why not seek validation?

In a few weeks Elk Grove Mayor Bobbie Singh-Allen and the city council will approve the multi-hundred-million-dollar Sacramento Zoo relocation project. Will voters and taxpayers have a say?

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Renegade said...

Yes. A project of this size with this price tag needs to be put to a vote an approved by the citizens who will pay for it for the rest of their lives and their kids lives. Put it on the ballot!

Deejay Blutarsky said...

YES! Seeing that the City taxpayers will be underwriting most of the construction cost and relying on the Zoological Society to cover their end of the deal, why not put it to an advisory vote?

This project is sounding more like a three-legged bar stool and it only takes one leg to not stay together and the politicians sitting (and taking selfies) on that stool go tumbling and our dollars are stuck with the bond payments.

Sid Vicious said...

I'm guessing Mayor Bobbie is afraid if this is put on the ballot it will lose or win by just a narrow margin. From her perspective it's better to have the illusion that people love it.

For the mayor, it could end up like Kramer's encounter with the monkey at the zoo. Who wants to have a pile of monkey dung splattered on their face!


Sid Vicious said...

I'm guessing Mayor Bobbie is afraid if this is put on the ballot because it will lose or win by just a narrow margin. From her perspective take the risk, roll the dice, issue the bonds without regard to residents because by the time things could go to crap, she'll be on to the next thing. It's better to have the illusion that people love it.

For the mayor, an advisory vote could end up like Kramer's encounter with the monkey at the zoo. Who wants to have a pile of monkey dung splattered on their face!


Randy Bekker said...

Not sure if money needs to be spent on finding out if Elk Grove citizens supports the zoo especially if there are other ways of finding out. Someone could run against Bobbie and be against the zoo as for those that say a waste of money and a potential tax magnet or if she runs opposed the amount of people who vote for her and her agenda pretty much lets you know citizens are for the zoo and Bobbie’s agenda.

Renegade said...

Randy: You're so wrong here. First of all, the incumbent mayor has over $200,00 from independent sources (developers) to run her campaign. No one can come close to that for exposure without taking out a second mortgage, and I would never recommend someone do that. Add on this town's apathy and lack of local governmental knowledge; it's staggering. Most people in this town are unaware we're "considering" placing the zoo here or could name the mayor if asked on the street.
Unfortunately, barring the mayor being arrested, she'll be almost impossible to defeat, due to her $$ and her unparalleled access to the press.
- This zoo is being shoved down our throats like we're little babies forced to eat pea soup and it's just not right. The mayor knows better, but she can't bring herself to share the perceived accolades. At least this way, she'll suffer the embarrassment when this project fails and us taxpayers are upset about all the tax $$ wasted. Of course by then, she believes she'll be in the Assembly or Lt. Governor.

Sid Vicious said...

I love how otherwise conservatives turn a blind eye to Mayor Bobbie's tax and spend liberal schemes. Other than improved public safety, the only thing the City of Elk Grove has done is increased property and sales taxes to fund projects few want or need. Nice work Bobbie!

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