Sacramento County prosecutors, public defenders to picket at Sacramento Superior Court
Following through on demands aired during a recent Sacramento Board of Supervisors meeting, Sacramento County's Attorneys' Association members will be on a picket line this Monday.

In a statement issued today, union president Matt Chisholm announced that attorneys from the District Attorney's Office, the Public Defender's Office, and the Department of Child Support Services will be on the picket line announcing the start of the strike.
During the July 23 Sacramento County Supervisors meeting, district attorneys and public defenders' offices made demands during public comment on non-agenda items. In their remarks, the attorneys cited wages as a reason their respective offices' have trouble retaining employees.
Public defender office supervisor Addie Young highlighted their collective difficulty retaining staff. The union is seeking a minimum 5.5 percent pay increase.
"Every time a caseload has to be reassigned because we lose an experienced lawyer, cases continue, clients sit in jail, the costs mount," she told the supervisors.
Along with Young and other public defenders, several prosecutors voiced demands. The county issued a response, which can be viewed here.
The video below is queued to show the attorney's demands.

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