With tomorrow's filing deadline, several Elk Grove area officeholders could be unchallenged
With one day until the filing deadline, several current officeholders in the Elk Grove area could go unchallenged in the November race.
As of yesterday's posting with the Sacramento County Voters Registration and Elections (SCVRE), the Elk Grove Unified School District Area 3 race has no candidate who has nomination papers challenging incumbent Sean Yang, who was first elected to the EGUSD Board of Trustees in 2020.

For the Elk Grove City Council, as of yesterday afternoon, no challenging candidate has drawn nomination papers for District 3. If no nomination papers are drawn and filed by tomorrow afternoon, incumbent first-term City Councilmember Kevin Spease will be unopposed.
Even though one person has nomination papers to run for Elk Grove City Council District 1 against incumbent Darren Suen, that potential candidate, Richard Pool, has not filed other necessary paperwork. If Pool does not record his documents by 5 p.m. tomorrow, Suen will be unopposed.
While there is one qualified candidate, Lynn Wheat, to oppose incumbent Bobbie Singh-Allen for Elk Grove Mayor, another person has drawn nomination papers, Brian Pastor. As of this afternoon, Pastor has not filed his documentation with the Elk Grove City Clerk.
For the Cosumnes Services Community District Division 1 seat, incumbent Gil Albiani has not filed for reelection, and one person, Rich Lozano, has qualified for the ballot. If Albiani or any other incumbent does not file for reelection, the nomination period is extended by one week.
In CCSD Division 3, James Luttrell has not been challenged, while in Division 5, Orlando Fuentes has yet to file for reelection. One candidate, Daniella Zehnder, has filed for Division 5, and if Fuentes does not file and no other candidate files during the extended period, Zehnder will be appointed to the position.
The Florin Resources Conservation District, which governs the Elk Grove Water District, has two open at large seats. Incumbent Lisa Medina has filed for reelection, while incumbent Sophia Scherman has said she will not run for another term. If only one candidate is on the ballot before the extended nomination period, the other vacancy will be filled by appointment.

1 comment
I have to believe that the crazy antics, lack of morality and truthfulness coming from a particular national political leader have soured much of the American public on the idea of public service. People are just so tired of the name calling and childish antics that public service no longer seems like the honorable pursuit it once was. When this country had great leaders, honest, hard-working, idealistic Americans sought public offfice. Public office is no longer honorable and that is the sad truth.
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