It's Official - Rep. Anna Paulina Luna Introduces Bill to Carve Trump's Figure on Mt. Rushmore
By Dan Bacher |
I first thought this was a joke when I heard about it, but it isn’t.
On Monday, Jan. 28, Rep. Anna Paulina Luna [R-FL-13] introduced a bill, HR 792, to “direct the Secretary of Interior to arrange for the carving of the figure of President Donald J. Trump on Mount Rushmore National Memorial.”
The bill was referred to the House Committee on Natural Resources the same day.
“This bill aims to honor President Trump, the 45th and 47th President of the United States, for his transformative impact on America and the historical significance of his leadership,” according to a press release from Luna’s Office. “The proposal emphasizes the consequential accomplishments made under President Trump’s leadership, including economic growth, national security, and a foreign policy that brought peace to the world and put America first.”
“President Trump’s bold leadership and steadfast dedication to America’s greatness have cemented his place in history. Mount Rushmore, a timeless symbol of our nation’s freedom and strength, deserves to reflect his towering legacy—a legacy further solidified by the powerful start to his second term,” said Congresswoman Luna. “He will be forever remembered among the great like Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt.”
You can read the full bill text here:
You can read Meteor Blades’ excellent article on the campaign by Trumper Republicans that led to the introduction of this bizarre bill here:
Meteor Blades states:
“The last time there was talk of sticking Donald Trump’s visage next to the four presidents dynamited into Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills, it started with then-president No. 45 discussing the matter with South Dakota’s then-Gov. Kristi Noem shortly before his visit there in the summer of 2020. She thought he was kidding. He wasn’t. And now, as Liam Archacki at the Daily Beast reported earlier this week, there’s more talk of sculpting this obscenity on the mountain sacred to the Lakota, Cheyenne, and other Native tribes.
Is it serious? Or is it just another Trumpy distraction to flood the zone and siphon off his foes’ political energy via recreational outrage in the midst of the new administration’s totally serious dismantling of the Constitution? Sometimes, it’s hard to tell. One thing for sure, if a sculpture were to be approved, Trump would figure out how to turn it into the biggest grift yet. Gold (9 carat) statuettes would be just the start.”
I used to write a lot of satirical songs and articles, but it’s hard to write them anymore because the reality in Trump’s America has become more outrageous than any satirical song or article I could write.
1 comment
Don't forget to add Jefferson Davis while they're at it!
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