Elk Grove city council member Mike Leary takes $6,000 from Reynolds & Brown, big vote set for this week

City council to consider 'tax incentive' kickback scheme for Bay Area developer - corporate welfare is alive and well in our own bac...

City council to consider 'tax incentive' kickback scheme for Bay Area developer - corporate welfare is alive and well in our own backyard

In campaign financial forms filed with the city clerk of Elk Grove, Mike Leary has $6,000 in documented donations this year from Bay Area developer Reynolds & Brown.

Reynolds & Brown currently has several projects in various stages of development in Elk Grove. One of these developments, the so-called Elk Grove III project is being considered by the city council this week.

According to published reports, in return for developing a Marriott Hotel next to the Elk Grove Cemetery located on Elk Grove Blvd. and West Stockton, Reynolds & Brown will receive a tax-kickback equaling half of the room tax receipts for the first ten years of operating and a third for the next five.

The vote on this proposal is scheduled for this Wednesday's city council meeting. Interestingly, in a meeting with 12 agenda items, this will be the 11th agenda item. This item is probably being buried in the agenda so few people will stay around to comment or it is already a done deal, or most likely both.

In summary, it looks like the hardworking taxpayers of Elk Grove who are facing uncertain economic conditions are subsidizing some fat-cat Bay Area developers to build a hotel who will pay workers minimum wages so they can make a big fat profit on our backs. Leading the charge on this is Mike Leary - there are $6,000 reasons why Reynolds & Brown can play Leary like a puppet on a string.

The next time you hear somebody complain about helping our communities poor, especially if the complaint is coming from the Elk Grove city council, just remember this little example of corporate welfare in our own backyard.

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