Ose Counter Punches Bera's Social Security Claim, Vows He Will 'Never Vote to Privatize Social Security'

October 7, 2014 | It has been said that no good deed goes unpunished, but in heated political races it could be said no claim goes u...

October 7, 2014 |

It has been said that no good deed goes unpunished, but in heated political races it could be said no claim goes unchallenged.

Such is the case in the hotly contested California Seventh Congressional District race where Republican challenger Doug Ose and Democratic opponent Dr. Ami Bera are not letting any claim go unchallenged.

The most recent claim Ose is counter punching Bera's claim that he supports privatization of Social Security. Ose, a  former three-term Congressman says his opponent is making false claims on his position regarding Social Security. 

A number of Bera ads have said that Ose has voted to privatize Social Security. In a conversation with Elk Grove News, Ose flatly rejected the claim saying that he has consistently supported Social Security.

"I have never voted and never will vote to privatize Social Security," Ose said.

Ose and his staff suspect that Bera's campaign is citing a vote he made in 2001. That vote, on an appropriations bill, had an amendment inserted by former Democratic San Diego Congressman Bob Filner that would have prohibited the Presidential Commission To Strengthen Social Security, which Ose supported.

That vote was mostly along party lines with the exception of 20 Democratic congressional members who joined all Republicans. 

The bipartisan commission formed in 2001 by President George W. Bush and chaired by the late Democratic Senator Daniel Moynihan of New York, was not without critics. Although the commissions recommended the possibility of personal accounts as a possible component of future Social Security, it wasn't until his second inaugural speech that Bush formally floated the idea of Social Security privatization for future beneficiares, at which time Ose had already voluntarily left office.  

Ose also stressed that the commissions final report explicitly said "Government must not invest Social Security funds in the stock market." (pg. 13.)

 "Congressman Bera is running a dishonest campaign to distract voters from his horrendous record when it comes to Social Security and Medicare," Ose added.

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Anonymous said...

If elected, Ose, a Republican, will support the 2015 House budget created by Paul Ryan. Whereas the previous House/Ryan budget did advocate privatization of SS, the new one advocates significant cuts to SS, Medicare, and Medicaid. If you want to know how Ose would vote, look into the new Ryan budget which, like the previous one, seeks to cut all safety nets considerably.

Ose is dissembling. If he had been in the House during the present term, he would have voted to privatize SS, because that was the House budget currently.

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