Elk Grove City Council District 4 Candidate's Forum This Thursday
October 7, 2014 | In about 48 hours from now, the four candidates vying for the Elk Grove City Council District 4 seat will square-off i...
October 7, 2014 |
In about 48 hours from now, the four candidates vying for the Elk Grove City Council District 4 seat will square-off in a candidate's forum.
The forum, which is being sponsored by the Elk Grove Citizen and ElkGroveNews.net, will be held at the Elk Grove City Council chambers at Elk Grove City Hall. The candidates will field questions from Citizen reporter Bryan Gold.
The four candidates seeking the seat are Elk Grove Planning Commissioner Nancy Chaires, business owner Daniel Jimenez, Elk Grove Unified School District Trustee Steve Ly and Nayyar Sarfaraz.
The event starts at 7 p.m. and will be hosted by Elk Grove City Council Member Pat Hume. The event is open to the public.
In about 48 hours from now, the four candidates vying for the Elk Grove City Council District 4 seat will square-off in a candidate's forum.
The forum, which is being sponsored by the Elk Grove Citizen and ElkGroveNews.net, will be held at the Elk Grove City Council chambers at Elk Grove City Hall. The candidates will field questions from Citizen reporter Bryan Gold.
The four candidates seeking the seat are Elk Grove Planning Commissioner Nancy Chaires, business owner Daniel Jimenez, Elk Grove Unified School District Trustee Steve Ly and Nayyar Sarfaraz.
The event starts at 7 p.m. and will be hosted by Elk Grove City Council Member Pat Hume. The event is open to the public.
can you corner Ly about his decision to run for another office while still holding an elected position for the school board? What is his plan if he wins? IE..will the school board have to hold a special election (at what cost) because he did not fulfill his commitment to them? Ask him some hard questions; from where I sit, Ly has little knowledge of the issues facing EG. I once asked him about the "connector" and he told me he didn't know what that was. Hopefully, by now, someone has enlightened him; but really, his depth of the issues is very, very shallow. God help us.
Nancy/Pablo/Anon above,
How is this any different then Gary and Cooper? For the school board we already know the process having gone through it twice last year. The seat will be filled by appointment, how do you think we ended up with Rambo and Singh? No cost for special election at the school board level.
Hi Dan,
Please ask the candidates how they'll push back against developers when their developments skimp on trails, trail connections, and grade separated crossings (where appropriate).
As an add on to the previous comment, how will the candidates put the city's needs and it's citizens interest ahead of those of the people and organizations that contributed to their campaign.
Also, in a non-partisan elected position how do you not let party agendas or desires for future office effect your decisions.
For Nancy and Steve give us examples of how they have done this in their current roles.
IMO, two wrongs don't make a right. Why does that legitimise the current behaviour of Mr. Ly?
Other council members were asked if the contributor's monies influenced their decisions....and the response was no with an empty explanation. My hopes for this forum will be that we will hear more than fancy sound bites. How about a firm stance or position. I keep hearing about our city growing and the need for bigger.
Who is asking for this? How much of a bigger city do we need? Why?
IMO...the home developers own this city. It has been bought and paid for....look at the contributions, look at the decisions...most recently the home developer impact fees were once again dropped....how is this long term business friendly? As long as council chambers are empty or the developers outnumber the residents in attendance I am not hopeful we will receive the change we need. Last night at the neighborhood summit and our mayor bragging about the how safe our city is a few of the residents began to speak to the burglaries, graffiti, lack of sidewalks and student safety, water and drought issues, homes still empty. Maybe someone could help me out here....I believe the "safe" city and Elk Grove being one of the safest is based on homicides and other heinous crimes. Ask the candidates about the SOI and the city withdrawing the application after spending nearly a million...
Ms. Wheat, as usual you bring up a good points. Even if Mr. Gold and Mr. Gougherty ask tough questions, do you really think the two main competitors in this race will give honest answers?
Like most politicians, they'll do their best Muhammad Ali imitation. They will rope a dope all night and avoid answering truthfully. The problem is once one of them comes off the ropes and takes office, they'll land some real good punches and want to guess who is getting knocked out as a consequence? Still undefeated, Developers TKO citizens...again!
Ask the candidates point blank if elected would they support revenue bonds? Yes or no and can we have their word on that I know we have heard many a candidate give their word in the past only to flip flop.
But I am worried that this entire election is based on getting three votes for revenue bonds. And that simply cannot happen!
I think you're right-on about the revenue bonds Connie and the taxpayers are, in general, oblivious to that fact. Only when it hits their wallets will they start screaming and that will be a little too late.
Connie, that is an EXCELLENT question. Unfortunately, I doubt if anyone will remember the responses a year from now, and if so, to what repercussions?
APATHY carries the day.
And Part 2 of that revenue question should be, if you are in favor of revenue bonds, recognizing that if the projected revenues fall short then the General Fund must make up the difference, would you support placing such bond measures on the ballot?
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