'Greater Than 3' Forum Now Official Elk Grove City Council Meeting

April 5, 2016 |

The "Greater Than 3" town hall meeting scheduled for tomorrow night at Elk Grove City Hall has as of 2 p.m. today has officially been noticed as a meeting of the Elk Grove City Council.

The meeting, which was organized by Mayor Gary Davis and sponsored by the Elk Grove Community Connection, is scheduled to officially start at 6 p.m. tomorrow. Along with Davis, only council member Darren Suen was expected to attend.

Subsequent to the announcement of the open forum meeting, Councilman Steve Detrick informed Elk Grove City Clerk Jason Lindgren that he would be in attendance. So as to comply with California's Brown Act open meeting requirements, now that a majority of the council will be in attendance, the meeting must be noticed as a meeting of the Elk Grove City Council.  

Because there are no action or public hearings items listed on the agenda, no actions can be taken by the council. There will be a meet and greet beverage and appetizer reception hosted by the Elk Grove Community Connection  held before the session opens at 5:30.   

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Anonymous said...

And this is how the community activist gets the City to pay for the event.

Anonymous said...

To the poster above, if you want the "community activist" to pay for everything, you contact one of the council members and tell them not to attend. The city clerk has to follow the law.

Connie said...

With the posting of a special meeting and the city covering the costs, the reception will now be hosted by Mayor Davis and Council members Suen and Detrick and there will be signage saying as much. That is exactly what was done in past when the same occurred.

And to poster at 15:11, when it is a special meeting, it makes for more work for us, but we aren't complaining one bit. We just want there to be good attendance from the community.

Anonymous said...

EGCC now gets reimbursed by the taxpayers, and I sure didn't expect Davis to pay out of his own pocket!

Anonymous said...

What a farce!

Anonymous said...

I look at this as the cheapest way to have my voice heard and by three (3) of the incumbents running for office this year. Plus I don't have watch the clock and will have the opportunity to refute their comments if I so choose. All sounds good to me.

Anonymous said...

I have idea for all the naysayers. Why don’t you put on your own forum and see what you can accomplish to get the community more involved with every city council vote that affects our daily lives.

As the saying goes, “Either put up or shut up!”

Anonymous said...

There has been a growing disconnect between City Hall and the values and priorities of residents for some time now. Residents don't feel particularly heard . This is our chance to be heard and if it's on the cities dollar, so be it. What's $100.-$200. vs. the millions that have been wasted on all those "world class" glamour feasibility studies in the past?

Anonymous said...

I think it is great there is a meet and greet reception with a little bit of food for the people who are attending who pay all the city’s bills.

After all, wherever there is a special meeting before a council meeting, the boys get fed very well on the taxpayers’ dime. Maybe that is why Detrick is showing up!

And let’s not forget the constant feedbag our councilmen will be strapping on at Cap to Cap next week along with very expensive booze that is ever flowing. What is their city meal per diem along with all the free fancy meals they will be receiving from companies and their lobbyists?

Don’t forget to report those fancy meals on your SEI boys. You want to get fined by the FPPC, do ya?

Can't stop laughing said...

They slam the door on you after 3 minutes, don't answer your questions, then ridicule you after you sit down and can't respond. Now it's election season and they are all ears? Total BS.

Anonymous said...

The guy complaining about Uber reminded me of a blacksmith or buggy maker from a century ago complaining about automobiles and why they should be outlawed.

Anonymous said...

My thanks to EGCC and Mr. Gougherty of EGNews for making this meeting a great way for the people to make their concerns known and questions answered without a time limit. Hopefully there will more of these during the year and before November. Perhaps this meeting will serve as a reminder to our city that better communication is needed from them to the community and maybe, just maybe, the people will fill their House again.

June LaVine said...

Thank you to all of you who worked hard to bring us this town hall meeting. It was a great opportunity to meet with Mayor Davis and Council members Suen and Detrick. They were virtually up close and personal.

I found it amazing that with all of the complaining and opinions going around our City, that there were perhaps 30? people in attendance. In a city with a population of 160,000!

I do understand that there are a lot of people who are not happy with our City Council. You did have your opportunity to voice your hopes and disappointments but I found it extremely disrespectful to the city council as well as those of us in attendance to voice that opinion with swear words.

I do hope that Connie, Dan and members of the city council will not let that deter them from holding future town hall meetings.

I know that it is politics but I do hope that agreements can be reached that will bring this community back together.

lynn said...

June, I was glad that we all had the opportunity for this meeting. I was sorry to miss the first half as I was downtown Sac at LAFCO meeting for the notice of preparation regarding the 1200acre SOI. Like you I would like to see more community participation in local issues. Yes I do alot of complaining. However with this said I can tell you why people quit participating and give up...examples the change in sign ordinance, the rejection of resident input ideas in the SEPA, the residents surrounding the rezoned capital nursery project attempting to at least have single story homes backed up to single story homes, the residents of Laguna Ridge, along civic center drive surprised to find they will have a hospital with helipad...and will look out their two story windows at a 5 story parking garage, small business meeting all the requirements for small business incentive rejected by council...People complain outside city chambers and have given up coming or in the case of some retired state workers have left the community all together. I have attended most all cc meetings the last 15years and some first timers do not return because of the reception they receive from our leaders. One of the worst receptions I witnessed was the manner our council responded to the firm of zaha hadid over the civic center design. They produced what our leaders requested despite earlier resident protest and then...well I was embarrassed for our city. The rejection of design could have been done in a much more professional manner. I spoke to the representatives following the meeting.

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