Congressman Bera Issues Statement, Video on Looming 'Trumpcare' Vote

March 24, 2017 |   With a dramatic vote on the American Health Care Act (AHCA), also known as Trumpcare looming, Congressman Dr. Am...

March 24, 2017 |  

With a dramatic vote on the American Health Care Act (AHCA), also known as Trumpcare looming, Congressman Dr. Ami Bera (D - Elk Grove) has released a statement on the proceedings and the implications of the legislation.

Bera, one of two Democratic Medical Doctors in Congress, has been a steadfast defender of the Affordable Health Care Act, more commonly referred to as Obamacare. He noted that if the AHCA is enacted, it is estimated that up to 100,000 people in California Seventh Congressional District could lose healthcare insurance.

“A bill that would kick 24 million hardworking Americans off their healthcare should not be rushed to a vote," Bera said. "The majority [Republicans] is having trouble getting the votes within their own caucus, and that tells you how bad this bill is." 

A scheduled vote in Congress yesterday was delay by House Speaker Paul Ryan after it became apparent he could not line up enough votes to pass the legislation. The entire Democratic caucus in united in their opposition to the AHCA. 

Bera also criticized the process saying the legislation has profound implications for American now covered under the ACA and the proceedings should not be decided behind closed doors. 

"The public deserves to see this bill and evaluate it in the light of day because real lives are at stake," Bera said. "As one of only two Democratic doctors in Congress, I’m still waiting for my phone to ring so Democrats and Republicans can work together to improve the quality and affordability of healthcare for all Americans.”

Regardless of Speaker Ryan's actions, President Donald Trump is demanding a vote be taken today. If Trump gets his way, the vote could be taken as early as this morning.

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Amber Enderton said...

Congressman Ami Bera still refuses to cosponsor House Resolution 676, the Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act. Even as his constituents plead with him at town halls to support it, and his state seeks to enact its own universal healthcare plan; he remains unflinching in his refusal. It is really hard to take seriously his concern for the 24 million Americans who will lose their healthcare when he has no concern for the 30 million Americans who currently don't receive healthcare.

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