Fired by racing team for using racist term, suspended NASCAR driver Kyle Larson invited to start dialogue

As widely reported this week, NASCAR driver Kyle Larson used a highly offensive racial term during a virtual racing event. As a result of the comment, Larson was suspended by NASCAR, and then fired from his racing team.

The incident has generated local interest as Larson is an Elk Grove native and lives in nearby Wilton. On Monday, Larson posted an apology on social media.

In response to the incident, Elk Grove Mayor Steve Ly has posted a message on his personal Facebook page offering an olive branch to Larson. Ly's commentary referenced the city's response to a hate incident involving an African-American small business in Old Town Elk Grove.

In his posting last night, Ly said the following:

"Elk Grove is a City which embraces and celebrates the rich diversity of all community members. We condemn language deemed harmful and discriminatory towards others, particularly that recently made by Kyle Larson. We stand with our residents upset by this action and support them in condemning language that is both offensive and unacceptable. We invite Mr. Larson to a future conversation to discuss a process of education and healing for him and our community."

The most recent posting on Larson's Twitter page shows the video apology (see below) he issued on Monday. The latest post on Larson's Facebook page was April 8. 

Larson was the City of Elk Grove's first Key to the City recipient in 2014. There is no reports of Larson accepting Ly's invitation. 

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Steve L said...

Well done, Mr. Mayor.

I applaud you for offering the olive branch to Mr. Larson. He has apologized for his statement on-line, certainly a step in the right direction. We all make mistakes, some more egregious than others, but most mistakes after some thought, true remorse and apology may warrant a second chance.

Larson is 27. We've all done things (perhaps not exposed to the world as was this) at his age we wish he could take back. Admitting his mistake and asking for forgiveness shows he's a better man than many in power both locally and nationally.

Hopefully, Larson will take you up on your offer.

You're growing up before my eyes Mr.Mayor, something to continue to build upon.

Capt. Benjamin Willard said...

“Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her.”

White Hat said...

Last year our own Mayor, Steve Ly caused quite a stink when he misunderstood a comment made by our President and made a statement on his Mayor's page. There were a lot of racist statements made and not once did I see Mr. Ly invite anyone to a future conversation to discuss a process of education and healing for the commenters and our community. Why is that Ly? Was it maybe because it wasn't white people making the racist comments?

Atticus Finch said...

"Process of education and healing"? What would that look like because it's great rhetoric. The people who need an education are the ones protesting the guidelines (three phases) outlining what criteria needs to be realized set forth by the White House and adopted by many states,before demanding and end to stay at home restrictions. They are putting the rest of us at risk and willfully flouting the law. This is the bigger issue. A president who undermines his own advisers and experts (imagine that) while encouraging not only illegal behavior, but behavior that threatens public health and safety. Larson got caught saying something ignorant and stupid and has since apologized. It was a lesson that hit him hard in the pocket book apparently. Let's move on.

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