Is there a crime wave sweeping Elk Grove?

In light of the proposed anti-gang ordinance, the question about whether or not a crime wave is gripping Elk Grove needs to be examined. Sup...

In light of the proposed anti-gang ordinance, the question about whether or not a crime wave is gripping Elk Grove needs to be examined.

Supporters of the ordinance say it is designed as a preemptive strike (haven't we heard that about the WMD's in Iraq?) to keep violent street gangs from developing in Elk Grove. Is there any hard evidence that roving gangs are terrorizing Elk Grove?

As far as we can see, the streets around Elk Grove look pretty save. Is there something we are missing? Are we just not aware of the panic in the streets?

This is an item that warrants deeper research. If we are indeed in the midst of a gang related street crime way, it is hard to tell it from the Elk Grove Police daily watch summary.

Read the summary for a few days and typically what you will see it an assortment of arrests for dui, probation violations and sadly lots of domestic violence and child abuse. Perhaps the domestic violence and child abuse problems have their roots in the foreclosure problems many people in Elk Grove are confronted with.

Obviously the daily watch reports do not give a complete report of all criminal activity in town, but it is a pretty good indicator of what the cop on the street is facing. With all the foreclosures taking place, perhaps our law enforcement resources should be tilted toward reducing domestic violence and policing based on the broken glass theory - not some perceived threat of roving street gangs.

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Anonymous said...

I think you should taka a closer look at those Crime Logs. I have been checking and have noticed more than child abuse and DUI's.
I have noticed a trend in youth offences involving violence. For example the park incident where two minors were assaulted and property stolen. Another violent crime where a minor ended up hospitalized with a serious head injury. Not to mention a home burglary involving two minors. All within just a few wks apart. Maybe you should take a closer look at the crime log as well as neighborhood blogs. is a good one to keep updated with concerns regarding our elk grove streets and neighborhoods.

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